Firefinger Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Firefinger is an ancient Olman signal tower that stands as a testament to a long-gone civilisation. The tower is a majestic structure, rising 300 feet (91.4 meters) into the sky. Its walls are steep and imposing, and it is said that only the bravest and most skilled climbers could ascend them. Despite its age, Firefinger remains a formidable structure. Its ancient stone walls have been worn smooth by the passage of time, but they remain strong and resilient. A few crumbling ladders can be found around the exterior of the tower, though they are treacherous and best avoided.   During the heyday of Olman civilization, Firefinger was used to communicate between settlements. At night, coloured flames were lit atop the tower, and during the day, coloured smoke was created to convey messages. It was a vital link between the scattered communities of the Olman people, and it played a crucial role in their daily lives.   Today, Firefinger stands as a lonely sentinel, a reminder of a time long past. It is a place of great mystery and legend, and many believe that it holds secrets that have yet to be revealed. Despite its age and isolation, Firefinger remains a powerful and awe-inspiring structure, and it is sure to continue standing tall for centuries to come.


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