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"A grove of Mangaroo trees has to be one of the most impressive sights on all of Oerth. Tall and stately, their twisted branches interlaced with each other overhead to weave a vast, leafy canopy while their massive root systems shot deep into the soft marsh or shallow water, sending tendrils ever outward and downward to lift the trees, forming a madly entangled forest on stilts."
— Geroldin Cabanel on Mangaroo trees in his most noteworthy academic work, Compendium Plantarum
  The Mangaroo is a tree found primarily in wetlands, most notably in the Mistmarsh.   Mangaroo is an incredibly hardy tree which is able to grow in soft marsh or even shallow open water, continuing to spread its roots in an ever-widening reach, pushing the tree higher as it grows. Because of the massively entangled root system, which often extends upward higher than a man is tall, along with the soft, marshy ground, it is often the case the best way to traverse a mangaroo grove is climb up, down, through, or over, wending one's way in the few openings are able to be found.


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