Moonarch of Sehanine Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Moonarch of Sehanine

Only recently classified as an entrance to a Fading Land, the Moonarch of Sehanine holds a rich place within the legends of the elves of Celene. Never found twice in the same spot, the Arch only appears when the Handmaiden has reached her fullness, and then only sporadically. Generally encountered in the spur of the Lortmils in northwest Celene, the Arch has eroded to become only a few feet thin at its peak. Despite this worn and aged appearance, strong magical effects of a druidic nature are noted in any spot the artifact has appeared. These can vary greatly, and can last for up to several years.   Only non-evil elves have been recorded as passing through the Moonarch, and the individual must have made something of her/his life. After passing through the Moonarch, the elf is said to be put through grueling tests, trials, puzzles, and other challenges. Legends hold that the Seldarine are testing their people, preparing the best of them for the Leaving. Indeed, it appears that nearly all elves returning have sought out that ancient rite soon after.   The demiplane reached is said to be a faerie realm, rich with sylvan creatures magical and mundane. Intensely magical and lush, the Land is said to be hold impossibly vivid sounds and colors. Very little else is known of this Fading Land, as all time spent there is occupied by the tests of Corellon, and the other gods of the elves.   An individual who enters the Moonarch is gone from our world for years at a time, although a significantly shorter time is experienced by the elf. Perhaps this magnifies the broken heart and will which is said to often result from Corellon’s final testing of his people.


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