Rhennee Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Rhennee or sometimes "Rhenfolk" is generally used in reference to the Rhennee people, a race of nomadic humans living in the Flanaess, though the term may also refer to the culture of said people. Their history is passed through oral tradition, and therefore it is assumed the Rhennee themselves don’t know the story of their origin.


The Rhennee are not natives of Oerth, but rather immigrants from a land called Rhop on another world or plane of existence. Believed to have first arrived on Oerth in the Adri Forest in approximately 140 CY, they were driven out by its hostile inhabitants and now inhabit the Flanaess. It is speculated that they fled from some oppressive force or that they simply outstayed their welcome on their previous world.  


The Rhennee are strangers to this world, or so their legends say. They are travelers and entertainers with talents ranging far and wide, but most commonly involving storytelling, acting, and music. They travel in large groups known as troupes, roaming the country in wagon trains. Lone Rhennee often become skilled bards in their own right. They generally trade entertainment for food and coin. Some Rhennee troupes have a wealthy patron who allows them to use his name and colors, and to travel freely under his protection. In exchange, the patron expects them to perform in his court for part of the year, and to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect well upon his reputation. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement, as the patron gains notoriety as a tasteful and artistic individual, while the troupe gains financial support and the patron's influence to help overcome suspicion wherever they travel.   Some common folk, however, mistrust and reproach the truly free Rhennee, who consequently developed many traditions to establish a tight-knit community. All troupes are bound under the maxim, "One Family". Other practices include the offering of wine upon greeting and branding betrayers of the fold. When this occurs a broken circle is burned into the offender's body, indicating that the person is no longer a part of the circle that is the one Rhennee Family.   Their dress tends to the flamboyant and stylish, incorporating the colours of a wealthy patron if a troupe has one.


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