Sepia Uplands Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Sepia Uplands

The Sepia Uplands is a rugged area northeast of the nation of Perrenland. Most Perrenders consider the region to be the rightful territory of Perrenland, although most of the local inhabitants would strongly disagree with this. Some political leaders, such as Orgus Bilger, have announced plans to annex the Sepia Uplands and creating a ninth canton. The move is popular in Perrenland but most the inhabitants view such a declaration as arrogant posturing. Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and Elves inhabit these hills, but also brigands, Wolf Nomad hunters, cave bears, mountain lions, and not a few orc raiders from Iuz.    Mineral deposits are found here, particularly in the southern and eastern lands, but few folk are present to mine them except in the forested east, where thousands of gnomes are well fortified against Iuz’s attacks.
Mountain Range


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