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Slave Lords

The Slave Lords are an organization of slavers who have terrorized the lands surrounding the Sea of Gearnat since the late 560s CY. The group's modus operandi has generally been to raid coastal villages for slaves, aboard ships with yellow sails.  


The Slave Lords evolved out of a similar organization known as "The Nine," sometime in the late 560s CY. In 574 CY, the Slave Lords invaded the well-fortified mountain city of Suderham, where they slew its last lord and took control of the town. By 576, the organization had become known as the Slave Lords, though its ruling council was still known as the Nine.   From there on, the Slave Lords thrived, raiding for slaves in a number of towns on the Gearnat coast, making slaves one of the Pomarj's most valuable exports.  


Little detail is known about the hierarchy of the Slave Lords. What is known is that the ruling body is the Nine, known variously as the Inner Council, the Council of the Nine, and the Nine of the Inner Council. These individuals make policy for the entire organization, and are assumed to hold the title of Slave Lord.    Below the Nine is the Outer Council (or Outer Council of the Lords), presumably made up of the leaders of regional operations. These individuals seem to hold the rank of "Minor Lord".   Below the Outer Council is assumed to be the rank and file of the organization.
Founding Date
Late 560s CY
Illicit, Syndicate


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