Suss Forest Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Suss Forest

The Suss Forest is a forest located on the western side of the Sea of Gearnat, to the south of the Welkwood between the elven kingdom of Celene, the County of Ulek, the Principality of Ulek, the Pomarj and the Wild Coast. Where the Welkwood approaches the Jewel River near city of Courwood, the forest becomes the Suss. The Suss is a dark and dreary wood filled with thorn trees, brambles, briars, and thickets. Its massive trees are black with age, seeming to menace those who pass under their boughs. The western end of the forest, where the wood grows near the foothills of the Lortmil Mountains, is open and clean, but east of the Jewel River it is a foreboding place. Many nonhumans, mostly orcs and goblins tied to their brethren in the Pomarj, lair in this part of the Suss, along with gibberlings, ettercaps, and stranger creatures. Legends place a lost city of Old Suloise in this forest, but few dare to confirm these rumours due to the dangers of the wood.  

Notable locations

  • Etraika
  • Hidden Temple of Erythnul
  • Nol-Daer
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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