Barony of Sayre, Keoland

Governed by Baron Elorn Trestletop

The beautiful Barony of Sayre has long been viewed as one of Keoland's more idyllic locations. Like Blerfield, the region is renown for its horses that range in the wide open fields of the province. The Baron Elorn Trestletop is well liked, if not loved, by the regional folk. He is charismatic and garrulous, but he does seem to greatly favor his own accumulation of wealth. Some of the common folk feel that the Baron appears a bit too stately for his own good, and there are a few that have begun to question the means by which he has come to such riches.

The capital of Woodsage is along a busy traderoute, so the people of the town and the lands around it benefit from this fact. There are few truly destitute common folk here, and so they are willing to tolerate any potential transgressions their lord might be involved in.

The barony also benefits from its location, nestled as it is at the center of very well defended provinces.

Capital: Woodsage
Areas of Interest: Tower of Cjaian


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