Randal Kensley
Description: His left thumb is blackened and bruised, but otherwise he appears quite healthy. He prefers to wear flannel. He is bald on top and has large brown tufts of hair around his ears. His green eyes peer out from beneath his Stetson black hat.
Personality: Stoic and calm, he prefers to meditate than take action. He also is a firm believer in the manly ideal.
History: He was born a particularly ugly child, much to the horror of his parents. His parents divorced when he was young, and his mother gained full cudstody. He was regularly beaten by his mother, who blamed him for driving them apart. He has became unsatisfied with his lot in life, and decided to take up adventuring.
Motivation: He wants to meet his childhood hero; and he wants nothing more than to rejoin the army
Ideals: Disciplined. Flaws: Ugly, Impulsive, Antagonistic. Bonds: Adventurer, Military. Occupation: Professor
Personality: Stoic and calm, he prefers to meditate than take action. He also is a firm believer in the manly ideal.
History: He was born a particularly ugly child, much to the horror of his parents. His parents divorced when he was young, and his mother gained full cudstody. He was regularly beaten by his mother, who blamed him for driving them apart. He has became unsatisfied with his lot in life, and decided to take up adventuring.
Motivation: He wants to meet his childhood hero; and he wants nothing more than to rejoin the army
Ideals: Disciplined. Flaws: Ugly, Impulsive, Antagonistic. Bonds: Adventurer, Military. Occupation: Professor