Shoony Species in Greynail | World Anvil
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While most Shoony prefer the quite and peaceful life of a simple small community that focus on a closeness to the lands around them, others crave to teach others that same philosophy . A community of Shoony know as the “Circle of Green Snounts” instead prefer traveling to distant lands and cultures to teach them the blessings that can come from nurturing and preserving the ecosystems around them. While a Druidic order, they also have many knights amongst their Circle. The Circle often trains Shoonies who seek to defend others and uphold righteousness. Many of these shoonies find themselves champions of nature deities such as Gozre, and uphold their tents vigorously. You will know your dealing with a Green Snout by the vibrant green dye and paint they adore their noses with. Often they will wear green cloaks and hoods to also symbolize their allegiance. Their knightly coat of arms depicts a hound with horns howling. Their leathers are often dyed a green or warm brown. When armored In plate or chain, their armor is often silver or golden trimmed with green accents  

Notable Shoonies

  • Mr. Orlo and Mr. Abba of the Crafty Grape.

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