Cult of the Burning Axe Organization in Griot's Song | World Anvil
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Cult of the Burning Axe

The Cult of the Burning Axe were a cult dedicated to the Orisha of storms and change, Olotongo . They are seen as violent fanatics and have caused many of the rebellions around Exum. Due to this, their members are watched very close by the the Emperor's men.   Not much is know of their organization or initiation due to their secrecy. Although, it is recorded in the Song of Wars that during Rebellion of the Burning Axe that their high priest fought beside his fanatics with a Burning war axe of crude looks, thought to be Olotongo's own. That axe is now interned somewhere in Exum, most thing it is inside of the First Palace of Exiles.   Worshipers of Olotongo are often confused and accused of being members of the cult, so most worshipers hide their shrines. Some shrines and temples are often destroyed, but even the Emperor stills the hands of his subjects against this, due to Olotongo's infamous wrath.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Cult of the Burning Axe is to burn all the temples of the other Orishas and bring on the prophesied return of Olotongo whom they believe to be the King of all Orishas.
Cult of the Burning Hammer cover
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Touched
The Burned

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