Greccan are a type of ore that is found in most cave systems. They take a spherical shape, although most of the time only one half of it sticks out of the cave floor, walls, or ceiling. They normally glow, giving a good light source for those that end up in these caves, albeit they are slightly dim, so there aren't always reliable, especially if they end up further away from each other.
Material Characteristics
It looks like a rough orb, having little bumps and ridges, but still taking the shape of a sphere. They tend to take a blue hue, and give off light.
Physical & Chemical Properties
They are a tad cold.
Geology & Geography
They tend to show up globally underground, but are more naturally found in caves, specifically large ones. It's almost as if they grow and appear when in dark, deep caverns, and even appear in man-made ones.
History & Usage
Everyday use
It is normally used in caves where people need to mine, where minerals and ores grow and appear magically through the passage of time. Sapient creatures may make mines one day with a different light source to guide them, but a month or two later, these ores seem to appear in said caves and take the place of being used as light.
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