Immortal's Weariness Condition in Gryst | World Anvil
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Immortal's Weariness

Each mortal body has a natural timer. Eventually this timer runs out. When it does, if nothing has been done to pause or reverse the clock, death awaits. If the clock has turned back or been paused, the stretched-out nature of the lifespan takes its toll as well. Pain is the alternative to death.


Unnatural age/ youth.


A constant prickly pain that is only just bad enough to be annoying. This results in occasional twitches or numbness as the centuries pas by. Eventually, the twitching turns to burning numbness entirely, and that numbness worsens until the mind cannot control the body.


No treatment. It is considered a natural process, as natural as can be in the circumstances.


Every century that passes by, the pain worsens. Magic can numb the pain or temporarily halt it, but eventually the body will be in too much pain to do much. The burning pain overwhelms all sensation, which is why very few immortals go adventuring after their first two millennium on Gryst.

Affected Groups

All warlocks who gave their souls in exchange for immortality, and all races who are half-fey that achieve immortality by virtue of ancestry or devise intervention.


natural aging


The fey are naturally immune to this condition because they were devinely charged with duties that only immortals can observe over long periods of time.


This condition was discovered first by the Endrugalim, who felt it and complained about it for a few centuries before they learned why it exists. They accepted this and taught their children why their whole race is in pain. Those who achieve immortality without altering their bodies in anyway found this as well.

Cultural Reception

This is a well-accepted and reluctantly ignored condition. It is well known that, like aging itself, it is inevitable. There is either death, or pain after so many years go by.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

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