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Dominant Gensang Culture

Naming Traditions

Family names

Gensang do not use family names.

Other names

Given names are usually composed of two words that are combined. Names are not given at birth, but during events that hint towards the child's future. Some families prefer to visit fortune tellers or religious figures, rather than wait until the child does something notable (this is also common practice if the child does not gain a name before adolescence).


Major language groups and dialects

Common Etiquette rules

Communication among Gensang is usually done telepathically. It's somewhat uncomfortable, or inappropriate, to speak telepathically with non-Gensang, as a one-way telepathic connection is unevenly intimate.   The face must be covered below the eyes while in polite company or in public. This stemmed from a belief that one's mouth is vulgar and intrinsically connected to violence or sex-- both quite taboo topics in polite society. The baring of one's mouth is taken as either intense disrespect or a threat. Additionally, Gensang that interact with other species must always keep their faces covered, considering they must actually open them for communication. In Gensang-only situations one may remove their face covering, but must keep their mouth closed. Those that keep their face coverings on is such situations are usually of higher social status, as their faces are considered more sacred.

Common Dress code

Face coverings are an intrinsic part of Gensang dress, but the fabric and style communicate different things about the wearer. Sheer or transparent fabrics, adorned or unadorned, are considered tantalizing or sensual when worn in most contexts, however, when they are worn in high-stress situations (such as war meetings, peace talks, legal proceedings, etc) they are taken as threatening to a degree (the lack of opaque fabric, which is naturally more sturdy/durable than sheer fabric communicates an ability to quickly switch from more diplomatic proceedings to fighting).   Other than face coverings, typical Gensang dress is composed of loose-fitted styles with light, flowing fabric. Beings of more political or religious import tend to wear more sheer, delicate fabrics, while others wear more durable, opaque fabrics. Light blue is only worn during death-related events, and is otherwise thought to be extremely unlucky.

Common Taboos

Sex and violence, which is believed to be embodied by one's mouth.


Beauty Ideals

The more tattoos that one has, generally the more attractive they are. Additionally, symmetricity is highly praised-- not only in facial features, but in dress, embroidery, hair styles, etc.

Cover image: by incorrigible (me)


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