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Yuan-ti like character

kind of a half-step between Qyzen and orochimaru   pointed (short-ish) ears, scaled skin, long (partially braided hair with gold accessories), shades of grey-green in hair and skin, green-gold eyes with slit pupils, snake tongue, poison spit/blood/tears/bodily fluids in general, fangs, tail?, many piercings and jewelry (all gold), very very very flexible   redhead 's contemperary(?)-- reminds TOO very much of lucy lite in personality

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Is very touchy, but can't deal with contact that he didn't initiate.


Contacts & Relations

Loves to annoy people-- especially "The other one", who he flirts with/teases/etc as a method of holding them at arms length. They saved him from a (very) rough spot, and according to his deeply engrained values, he owes a life debt to them.
Year of Birth
2234 19 Years old

Cover image: by incorrigible (me)


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