
At their most basic, epanadaen are filled and baked pockets of dough of any size smaller than a pie. The 'Rising-to-'Rising type of epanadaen can be filled with all kinds of vegetables, meats, fruits, and fish in a wide variety of combinations. Some have a specific regional character. For example, in costal Rhejhe, the regional specialty involves a variety of seafood and coastal veggies. In Borderlands, unless otherwise specified, when they say “meat” epanadaen they mean S’Vetha, usually with aevarn sliced off the cobb included. The hilly plains and southeaster mountain areas of Horse Valley use roses in their epanadaen, while the wooded areas include multiple varieties of mushrooms. The list goes on.   Most importantly, however, epanadaen figure prominently in Sun'Rounds End ceremonies throughout the Haka'am, regardless of spiritual path or regional specialties. These Sun Epanadaen are traditionally the size of the baker's fist and made by the family member with the biggest hands, though with some notable exceptions (see below). Over the course of Sun'Round's End, generally in the evening after a light meal of whatever food is traditional in the region or family, there will be four rounds of baking with each haka'a'manem present eating only one from each round. Each round represents one of four specific boons for the coming 'Round: health, wealth, luck and joy.  
Health epanadaen tend to be savory, containing the family’s preferred/available protein and various herbs and vegetables. Something like chicken or beef pot pie.  
Wealth epanadaen are often smaller (sometimes the children make them, in holding with the idea of making them the size of the baker’s fist) because they are the richest. They usually contain ’tchokal (the Araela'an equivalent of chocolate, because what true civilization doesn’t have chocolate?), dried fruit and possibly nuts.  
Luch epanadaen are traditionally made from whatever ingredients are on hand and catch the baker’s eye. They could be savory or sweet, or some odd combination. Like luck, the results can be mixed and these epanadaen are generally only entrusted to the most experienced and talented cook in the family.  
Joy epanadaen are almost always a sweet mixture of fruits and spices, with some kind of sweet glazing.   There is a fifth baking and boon which is prepared on Sun'Rounds End Night and baked and enjoyed on Sun'Rounds Rising: love.  
Love epanadaen are the most specific in their composition. They are made from the previous year’s hedge opals* which have been either dried or preserved in honey, symbolizing the sweetness, and continuity of a loving foundation which lasts ‘Round to ‘Round. In those areas where hedge opals are not ubiquitous they can still be obtained by specific expeditions, gifting from relatives in areas where they are plentiful, or from festival markets and travelling merchants. Unlike the other Sun Epanadaen, based on the assumption that one can never have too much love, love epanadaen are baked in large quantities and not restricted to only one. "Sun'Rising sickness" is a coloquial term for someone who has made themselves sick from over indulgence of these epanadaen.   Each different type of epanadaen is stamped with the sigil for whichever boon it represents before baking.   *Hedge opals are a shiny opalescent lavender colored fruit (about the size of a golf ball) that grows on a broad-leaved bush found almost everywhere in Araela'a Haka’am (the exceptions being High Plains Rhejhe, the non-forested parts of Horse Valley Rhejhe, and the coastlines). Smooth-skinned and seeded like an apple, the flesh is the consistency of an apricot and the taste is a sweeter combination of apricot and plum. In addition to Sun'Round's End/Rising, it is traditionally used to celebrate loving occasions—courting dinners, weddings, births, homecomings, wakes (dishes for wakes and funerals tend to be made from the not-fully-ripened fruits or in combination with something more tart to symbolize the bittersweet nature of the cycle of life.)


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Aug 14, 2024 18:25 by Deleyna Marr

I love the different meanings you have going here. Lovely.
