The Cold Death

Initial Discovery

The Cold Death is a form of fungal pneumonia experienced across Araela'a in the jhe'noxem of R74 & R75. In actual fact, the fungal infection was caused by breathing in spores expelled into the atmosphere by the First Flash (a sorcerous volcanic-type explosion in nearby Ra'athaen Haka'am on the third 'Rising of Hae'Sun Festival in R73). Because of the approximately 13 'Circle gap between First Flash and the initial Cold Death outbreak, the connection was not made between the two events until the second outbreak in the jhe'nox of R75, when it was realized that the illness was activated by the unprecedented icy temperatures of the first two jhe'noxem of The Dark Cold.  

The First Outbreak R74

The Cold Death outbreak of R74 occurred early in the Circle of Bitter Cold at a time when extreme cold had already ruined most of the 'Round's crops and hunger was rampant in spite of King Ghelbrana's efforts to keep her haka'a'manem safe. Hundreds died in that first outbreak, though to give credit where it is due, the number was much lower than it would have been had the King not ordered all haka'a'manem in Araela'a Haka'am to seek shelter in their nearest Khurnae or Garrison. Khurnae'Naanem attempting to understand the previously unknown disease gradually realized that the initial wave of the first outbreak directly coincided with temperatures dropping more than five degrees below previously recorded jhe'nox lows and additional waves followed with each noticeable drop thereafter. It was quickly discovered that those who fell ill were more likely to recover in warm surroundings, where hot foods, or at least hot liquids were available in large quantities. Even under these conditions, however, nearly thirty percent of those who came down with the fungal pneumonia during the first outbreak died of it, earning the disease the moniker of the Cold Death.  

The Second Outbreak R75

When the jhe'nox of R75 rolled around with temperatures of comparable severity to those of the previous 'Round a second outbreak of the Cold Death was sparked. Additional, though still insufficient, supplies had been gathered into the sheltering Khurnae'em and Garrisons during the more bearable 'Circles of R74. In addition, heated rooms for the oldest, youngest, and ill that had been established during the first 'Round of the Dark Cold were still available and rotations through warming rooms for the rest of the population ran more smoothly and efficiently. Consequently, fewer fell ill, though the death rate among those who did remained approximately the same as in the previous jhe'nox.

Transmission & Vectors

Fortunately, the Cold Death is not transmitted between haka'a'manem or animals, or across species lines.


It can only be contracted by breathing in the spores which cause it and then being exposed to severe cold more than about five degrees colder than the average jhe'nox temperatures. These spores accompany the Hatefire ash resulting from magical eruptions of corrupted Worldfire. These eruptions originate only in Ra'athaen Haka'am and, though not exactly frequent have occurred to varying degrees throughout history. The infection is not passed along genetically, so only those directly exposed to Hatefire ash are at risk, and then only if conditions are cold enough for a sufficient period of time. The colder the temperatures, the shorter that time frame becomes.   The spores can lie dormant in the body longer than the average Araela'an lifespan if never activated by the necessary cold temperatures. Once activated, the shorter the time to recovery, the more likely the condition is to recur, particularly when the body is already vulnerable due to constitutional weakness, hunger, or other ailments.


The Cold Death begins like a severe case of the flu with fever, chills, and body aches, followed by a brief period (one or two 'Risings, four at the outside) of what seems like recovery, after which the sufferer is struck with a deep and wracking cough, frequent bloody noses, extreme muscle weakness and labored breathing. Though anecdotally thought to help one warm up, consuming alcohol while ill makes the condition worse as it is actually cooling to the body and nurturing to the fungus.


If the ill haka'a'manem can be kept sufficiently warm, hydrated and well fed, particularly with hot foods or liquids, recovery is possible between 70 and 90 percent of the time based on their condition prior to the onset of symptoms. The patient my become unbearably hot as the fungus begins to burn up inside their body and it may be necessary to restrain them to prevent them from running out into the cold.
Extremely Rare
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