The First Thunder Firestorm

Similar to the First Flash of R73 the First Thunder event consisted of a full et'Rise of "eruptions" of corrupted Worldfire in Ra'athaen, and the creation of seven new Hatefire volcanoes in an arc to either side of the First Flash volcano (now bigger than ever). These came to be known as The Ring of Eight. During and after these eruptions, large numbers of Ra'athaenians began to cross the border into Araela'a seeking refuge from the cataclysmic disaster. During the reign of Thovaemos and Aeria, the first VisionWalker King and King'Slirukam of Araela'a, the very air of Araela'a was imbued with magical protections that repelled the smothering Hatefire ash and energetic particles which had caused The Dark Cold of R73-R75. As a result, the Ra'athaenians were very literally fleeing the darkness that engulfed their homeland into the light of Araela'a Haka'am. An image which, even 'Rounds later, remained a source of awe for both Ra'athanian refugees and Araela'ans who witnessed it.   For the first few 'Risings of the event, Ra'athaenians fled unhindered to the Araela'an border garrisons of Outer Reaches, Nightfire, Outer Lake, Dhassa Gap, and Behel Pass. On the fifth 'Rising, however, large patrols of Ra'athanian Troopers began to pursue and forcibly turn back those attempting to flee, even as debris and Hatefire ash rained down on all of them. It was of significant note that the refugees were so frightened of the magically caused environmental disaster that they initially refused to be turned back, even in the face of armed soldiers.   That was when the true horror of the First Thunder Firestorm began.   Ra'athaenian Troopers, soldiers of their own Haka'am, began the wholesale slaughter of any and all Ra'athaenians who refused to turn back, regardless of age or ability. At first the garrison scriers (the only ones whose vision could penetrate the gloom of ash) watched the approach of the Ra'athaenian Troopers with caution, but no particular concern, even when it became clear they were there to turn the refugees back. Once the Troopers began striking down those who would not turn back however, the horrified mages sounded the alarm and ne'Guarda mobilized immediately to escort to safety those within the twilight haze of the neutral zone between Araela'a and Ra'athaen. As night began to fall, the ne'Guarda lit individual bonfires at intervals along the border of the neutral zone and pairs of bonfires on either side of the gates leading into Araela'a. Heavily armed units of ne'Guarda patrolled along the line of bonfires, protecting and defending Ra'athaenians who crossed into the neutral zone from any soldiers pursuing them.   Messages were dispatched to the King as well as neighboring garrisons and khurnae'em requesting additional troops, supplies and khurandrimae, as well as permission to intervene more directly. Not inclined to start a war with a neighboring Haka'am, King Morgan sent troops and supplies, along with specific orders that the ne'Guarda were only to defend and escort refugees who made it into the neutral zone unless some kind of major assault was launched against Araela'a itself or the ne'Guarda specifically. This, unfortunately (or fortunately for the fleeing Ra'athanians), happened in fairly short order.   On what turned out to be the last night of active eruptions, not long after full dark in Araela'a, relatively large groups of refugees entered the neutral zone near the gates of the five garrisons offering shelter. Among the genuine refugees were several disguised Ra'athaenian assassins. Some were betrayed by the haka'a'manem they hid among, but others entered the garrisons undetected. During the Grim Hae'tch (the last half of the last watch of the 'Rising and the first half of the first watch of the next) these Ra'athaenians set about slaughtering as many refugees and ne'Guarda as possible. At the same time, an attack was launched against the patrols in the neutral zone so they could neither go to the aid of their home garrisons or rely on reinforcements from them. One hundred and twenty-eight ne'Guarda and two hundred and fifty-six Ra'athanian civilians lost their lives during what came to be known as The Night of Blood, but the Troopers underestimated ne'Guarda skills and quick reaction. All of the assassins that infiltrated the garrisons were killed in less than half a fir'tch and in the neutral zone only about three out of every eight attackers managed to escape the first assault. The initial defense was so swift and decisive that a second assault was not immediately forthcoming.   It was initially believed that the Hatefire ash and raining debris created a kind of madness among the Ra'athaenian soldiers, causing them to lash out violently without control. However Troopers appalled at the violence who themselves defected to Araela'a indicated that the orders to let no Ra'athaenian leave the Haka'am alive came from the very highest levels of government, along with commands to collect the dead and return them to the Capitol. No one particularly wanted to speculate on the reasons for this.
Battlefield Type


Ra'athaenian Troopers
The Araela'an Guard

Led by




To prevent their own haka'a'manem from fleeing into Araela'a Haka'am to escape the cataclysmic effects of the Firestorm. If they could not turn them back, they were to kill them and bring their bodies to Rathellik, Ruler of the Haka'am.
To rescue and stop the killing of the Ra'athaenian refugees fleeing from the Firestorm into Araela'a.

Cover image: by AI created by unique prompt in Artbreeder


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