The Heir's Guard

The King's Guard, the King'Slirukam's Guard, and the Heir's Guard are the three Guard Divisions that comprise the King's Complement and each division has basically the same composition of ne'Guarda. These ne'Guarda are essentially the Araela'an Secret Service, tasked with the protection of the Royal Family. The Heir's Guard is the most fluid of the three with regard to size as this depends upon the number of Heirs, their ages and their personalities. While the Heir is an infant, the number of short squads or of watches covered may be reduced if the infant is predominantly in the company of one or both of their parents. Traditionally two Guarda'Naan specifically tasked with the safety of the infant in case of emergency may be added to the King's Close Watch. Once the Heir is mobile they are assigned their own Close Watch. The full number of short squads and of watches covering them may or may not still be reduced. Once they have moved into the Heir's suite, which is on the opposite side of the Keep from the King's suite, the full complement of the Heir's Guard will be assigned to them. If there are two Heirs, there will be a Close Watch assigned to both. If they tend to spend the majority of their time together, they may not each have their own full number of short squads, instead tapping the King's Reserves to provide additional coverage if needed. Once they are making public appearances or spending more than half of their time apart they will each have a full complement of Heir's Guard except when they are in the Heir's Suite. There are 12 posts on the Heir's side of the Family Floor manned by ne'Guarda and Guarda'Naanem from the short squads and a minimum of five positions inside the Heir's quarters which are covered by the Close Watch Guarda'Naanem.  

Each et'Rise

  • Two short squads (called an espair--originally "stretch pair") are "on duty" each shift and alternate each watch in either of two shift lengths: the 12 stretch or the 8 stretch.
  • A second espair is "active," meaning they will pick up where the first two left off at the end of their 12 or 8 stretch and take the next shift.
  • A third espair is "off duty." In the case of injury or illness in the on duty or active short squads, volunteers for "off sequence duty" will be requested from these two short squads. If no one volunteers, they will be volun-told, but there are usually plenty of volunteers as off sequence duty is double pay.
  • The short squad shift sequence for an et'Rise is a 12 stretch for the on duty espair, followed by a 12 stretch for the active espair, followed by alternating 8 stretches the remainder of the et'Rise.
  • Two Close Watch units (also called an espair) alternate every two watches for an 8 stretch.
  • The two espairs alternate 8 stretches for the first six 'Risings of the et'Rise and are both relieved by espairs from the King's Reserves for the last two 'Risings of the et'Rise.

The Shifts

The 12 Stretch
During a 12 stretch, two short squads alternate watches for 12 watches total.  
The 8 Stretch
During an 8 stretch, two short squads alternate watches for 8 watches total.  


For Heir and King   Very unofficial motto   Where be the tavern?



A Standard Heir’s Guard is comprised of:
  • One Guarda'Naan Primary (also called Naan'Prime or simply Prime) who is in charge of the entire compliment of the Heir's Guard. The Prime is on duty for two watches at a time and traditionally takes the 8th and 1st Watches and the 4th and 5th Watches (Late Night and Dawning, Late Morning and Midday).
  • One Guarda'Naan Secondary (Naan'Second or Second) who rotates with the Guarda'Naan'Primary, taking the 2nd and 3rd Watches and the 6th and 7th Watches (Waking and Morning, Evening and Night).
  • Six Guarda'Naanem or Guarda'sen'Naanem (sometimes called sen'Naan).
  • Six Short Squads (16 ne'Guarda each) which rotate with one another to provide appropriate rest and time off.
in addition to a Close Watch comprised of:
  • One Guarda'Naan Primary (this Prime outranks the Prime assigned to the short squads, and therefore everyone under the Squad Prime's command).
  • One Guarda'Naan Secondary (the Secondary also outranks the Squad Prime).
  • Four Guarda'Naanem or Guarda'sen'Naanem (these Guarda'Naanem/Guarda'sen'Naanem are outranked by both their Prime and Second and the Squad Prime and Second, but outrank the squad Guarda'Naanem, Guarda'sen'Naanem and ne'Guarda).
For a total of one hundred and twenty-six.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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Aug 19, 2024 23:59 by Marjorie Ariel

I like how the compliment of guards shift as the children get older and more independent.