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Temples of Waterdeep

Castle Ward

The Font of Knowledge: Temple to Jace. Founded in 368 DR, with expansive patronage by House Estelmer, the Font of Knowledge houses the largest library in Waterdeep, and most of the North (save Silverymoon), an archive which is open to the public (with the gentle guidance of the temple's clergy-sages). The church has strong ties to Houses Estelmer and Majarra, as well as to the Scriveners, Scribes, & Clerks Guild.

The Halls of Justice: Temple to Azor. A busy place popular with many magistrates, Watch, Guard, and city bureaucrats, the Halls of Justice are a towering edifice divided among several groups: All three Columns have Halls devoted to them within the temple. While they are divided on specific tenets and traditions, they are a unified front in the protection of the laws written by Azor.

The House of Two Hands: Monastery to Azor. A monastery whose fighter-monks seek to uphold goodness and order in the world, leading half of them to be away from the monastery at any given time, doing good works.

The Pantheon Temple of the Seldarine: Temple to Mat’Selesnya. When the Selesnya conclave approached the Masked Lords to ask for permission to establish a Pantheon temple to Mat’Selesnya and nature, it was considered a coup for relations between Waterdeep and the elven peoples. Waterdeep has always had an extensive elven population. When that permission was quickly given, the elves asked for an allotment of property right in the middle of a busy and crowded Castle Ward neighborhood, shocking the Lords. Even when pressed, the elves would not explain their choice; so without further ado, the grant was given. The Pantheon Temple is a tall, dour structure of gleaming white stone flecked with silver, but has within it a garden and long walking galleries between the shrines to ascpects of nature.

The Spires of Morning: Temple to Gabriel the Winged. A walled garden compound with eight beautiful gilded towers that reflect Gabrie's dawn.

Unicorn Hall: Temple to The Raze Boar Illhargh. A courtyard behind an outer wall, with a variety of outbuildings around the green swathe.
Sea Ward

The Chapel of the Divine Right: Shrine to Saraqael the Eternal. A chapel that is part of the Assumbar villa, but open to the public, it mostly sees other nobles as its reverents.

The House of Inspired Hands: Temple to Niv-Mizzet. An enterprising temple to Niv-Mizzet that frequently abounds with new and noisy inventions of its faithful.

The Tower of Luck: Temple to Efelyn Flelin. The second largest temple in Waterdeep is a large walled tower, its clergy funneling its weighty resources into improving the complex and undermining the Undergrowthl's claim as the center for Efelyn worship.

The House of Wonder: Temple to Niv-Mizzet. The ornate tower for the faithful of Niv-Mizzet with the symbol of the Izzet in mosaics on the courtyard, depicted four times surrounding the tower rising up from the center.

The Shrines of Nature: Shrines to Mat’Selesnya and Svogthir. A walled and forested complex that holds unpretentious "shrines" the size of some small temples to Mat’Selesnya (called "Mother's hands") and Svogthir (called "Grove of rebirth").

The House of Heroes: Temple to Aurelia. The largest of the temples in the city is dedicated to Aurelia, the Lady of Battle, and attracts spectators and combatants alike from the nearby Field of Triumph.

The House of the Moon: Temple to Talentis. A silver-gilded temple of fine white and blue stone, the House of the Moon was the oldest temple in Waterdeep, but the Spellplague wrecked it almost in its entirety. In the years since, it has been rebuilt over the original foundations, with additional towers, giving it a taller silhouette in the Waterdehavian skyline.

The Temple of Beauty: Temple to Kristiel the Shining. A lavish temple of red marble, with gold and silver accents with many statues of the angel and her most comely worshippers throughout the history of the faith. The structure is a combination temple and pleasure dome, soaring above the neighboring noble villas, with tall towers and a central open-air ballroom that hosts revels many nights of the year.
  North Ward

Holyhands House: Interdenominational Temple. Formerly the villa of House Maernos, Holyhands now acts as a temple to several lesser known Angels, per the bequest of the last Maernos patriarch in 1372 DR.

Hospice of St. Laupsenn: Mission of Svogtir.
  Trades Ward

Monastery of the Sun Soul: Monastery to Gabriel and Mat’Selesnya
  South Ward

Arael's Hall: Orphanage (Arael). This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. Arael’s Hall is supported financially by a number of temples, noble houses, and retired adventurers, while priests of Arael tend to the day to day management and administration of services. Many of the children ten and older are either apprenticed or working with the Lamplighters Guild at night, and they receive training during the day so that they will be able to ply a trade before leaving Arael's Hall at age 15.

Vault of Glory: Temple to Neriah of the Wind. A large temple not quite fifty years old, one of Open Lord Dagult Neverember's first acts as Open Lord was to call for the founding of a Neriahen temple, to honor the angel in hopes that her favor might return Waterdeep to prosperity and safety. Lord Dagult arranged a competition between the noble Houses and the lesser Guilds to pay for the temple, resulting in the erection of a truly opulent fane to her glory.
  Dock Ward

Starry Cradles Orphanage: A Talentis-sponsored orphanage.

Wavehall of Taharial: Temple to Taharial
  Deepwater Harbor

The Queenspire: Temple to Lehna Simic. A towering spire rising out of the harbor, the Queenspire is the temple to Lehna. Its lower levels are entirely submerged in the seawater, catering to merfolk and tritons who revere the ocean goddess.


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