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Yorick Graffdak

Yorick Graffdak (a.k.a. Father of Graves)

"I am Otets Mogil, the Father of Graves. And these... these are my children. But do not fear, child, for though their apatite is violent and unending, they will bend to the will of their father. And through my will, their tireless forms shall be put to work. Life is merely a pit stop on the road to Death, and it is in Death that a man will realize his full potential. So bring me your sick, your elderly, your fallen and your slain. For all of these are my children, and there is much work to be done."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though stocky, Yorick is actually somewhat frail for a Dwarf. It is difficult to tell though, as he never removes his armor, even to sleep.

Body Features

Yorick's skin is pale and grey, and his hair is dirty and matted.

Facial Features

Yorick's face is usually hidden behind a bone skull mask, although his eyes cast a dull, deadened glare straight ahead.

Physical quirks

Yorick's movements are slow and methodical, and he is rarely in a rush.

Apparel & Accessories

Yorick's armor is adorned with bone trinkets carved with Arcane runes, which he uses to record his spells.

Mental characteristics


Since becoming Otets Mogil, Yorick has no interest in interpersonal relationships. Truth be told, he is much more comfortable around the dead than the living, and all things considered would prefer to travel with a horde of zombies rather than a party of friends. However, despite his objections, he has slowly grown accustomed to his current group. That being said, although he now has the faintest of interest in living allies, he has absolutely no desire for the temptations of flesh.

Intellectual Characteristics

Although considered crazy by many, Yorick takes great pride in his inventions which utilize the nature of undead as a tireless source of free labor. He is deceptively intelligent, and his battle strategies rely on swarming enemies with unwinnable odds, however combat is not his passion and he often makes lazy mistakes in the heat of battle. However, his intellect is on full display when discussing his inventions, or when studying the secrets of Arcane knowledge, especially that which gives power over death.

Morality & Philosophy

Yorick values life very little, including his own, and rarely makes decisions based on the value of life as other Good-aligned characters might. However, he is dedicated to using his knowledge to improve society, and to find the most efficient ways of raising quality of life wherever he goes, usually with his undead-powered contraptions. Yorick is very blunt and to the point, and rarely engages in fanciful flowery language, although his humor is dark and very sarcastic.

Personality Characteristics


Yorick is motivated by a desire to learn all that he can about what lies beyond death, and is obsessed with the taboo Arcana of Necromancy. He also desires to use his knowledge to turn the undead from monsters to be feared into tools that the common people can use to better their standard of living.

Vices & Personality flaws

Extreme alcoholism, although it takes quite a lot of liquor to get a Dwarf drunk.

Personality Quirks

Sleeps in his armor, and is more comfortable in a shallow grave than a tavern bed. Will hold conversations with his undead minions, fully aware that they cannot speak back.


Yorick constantly smells of death and rot, since as he puts it; "In my line of work, bathing is like building house of cards during Earthquake. Not much effective and immediately undone."



Thick Russian accent, and will replace sentences in Common [English] with phrases in Dwarven [Russian], especially curses.

A Russian Dwarven Necromancer who reeks of death. Cares little for the value of life, but is dedicated to using his knowledge to improve society. Travels with packs of his Children, the undead that he raises with his magic.

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Chaotic Good
Dark Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 3''
172 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am Otets Mogil, and these are my children." "You want war with dragons? Sounds like you are wanting war with dragons." "Ot'vali nozh ukha Blyat" "I am fully prepared to die... are you?"

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