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The weather is wild in Kaldrold, but few settlements are ever hit as hard as Sovnigstein. But then, few folk in Kaldrold are as well suited to the climate as the herd that call Stone's Rest home. For the Goliaths that inhabit the mountain's peak are on with the stone, and it'll take more than strong winds, snow and ice to wear them down. The camp serves as something of a refuge for those that crave solace. The Goliaths tend to shy away from Vildr matters, easily frustrated by their constant squabbles. As such, those who feel like outcasts in with their own people, such as the Dark Elves and Duergar, find a new home in the cold reaches of Kaldrold. As long as they pull their weight, the herd cares not.


Sovnigstein is primarily inhabited by Goliath herds who desire the solitude found at Himmengeir's peak, though over the centuries they've been joined by small migrations of Duergar and Dark Elves, thanks to it's location on a cavernous mountain, with plenty of cloud and snow cover to minimize the harsh sunlight.


The settlement is overseen by a Goliath chief who has proven himself in the herd's annual contests of leadership. The contests involve hunting, athletic contests and bare knuckle brawling. The chief is attended by a council (that aren't


The natural defenses of the inhospitable Himmengeir are usually more than enough to keep hostile invaders away from Stone's Rest. On the off chance that anyone does try to attack the settlement, experienced Goliath elders have a number of pitfall, swinging log and falling boulder traps to dissuade them. Beyond this, each Goliath adult is trained in basic combat, and prepared to defend their homes and herd.

Industry & Trade

The herd is mostly self sufficient, with each of it's members hunting or gathering what they can to survive. The young are also taught to weave, tan leather and work with most furs before they're old enough to hold a weapon (which, in fairness, is still relatively young). In the very rare event that a trading caravan does make it so far, the herd have plenty to trade for luxuries.


The camp is well stocked with simple, yet effective weaponry (such as spears, axes and even swords carved from the stones of the mountain), as well as plentiful hides, pelts and furs from hunting expeditions. The mountain isn't overly rich in resources, beyond some mineral wealth, something that the Duergar were keen to exploit, as the majority of Goliaths were uninterested.


Most infrastructure of the camp is fairly simple, able to be packed up and moved on within a moments notice. Thankfully the herd haven't needed to do this in some time, but the option is reassuring to have. The most permanent fixture of the settlement is the large fire pit at the camp's centre, and tanning racks are a common sight throughout the camp. Most living quarters are simple tents, furnished with animal pelts.


The settlement is based near the very peak of Himmengeir, though it's modular nature means that the camp's location has changed over the centuries. All that is certain is that the herd stays near the mountain's summit, no matter what.
Alternative Name(s)
Stone's Rest
Outpost / Base
Between 40 and 180
Inhabitant Demonym
The beings that call Sovnigstein home are commonly referred to as Stonesfolk, in reference to the settlement's name in the common tongue (Stone's Rest).

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