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History of the Tulum Empire

Age of Rekindling

6500 6999

  • 6998

    24 Shalmuradin

    4 Shafandira

    The Attrition War
    Military: War

    The Attrition War was a series of armed conflicts fought between the Astarel Kingdom and the soon-to-be-founded Tulum Empire

Imperial Era

7000 and beyond

  • 7000 IE

    1 Shabilur

    Founding of the Tulum Empire

    For a while, the provinces that rose from the ashes of Arkhosia did so independently. Although there was sometimes tension between some of them, they remained neutral to each other. However, once war broke out with the kingdom of Astarel, they quickly realized that they needed to ally to survive. Eventually, the county of Zamok was chosen as the capital (for strategic purposes), and the whole lot became an empire. The event was held at the castle of Zamok Ognya; each county representative signed the treaty that day and thus the first emperor was chosen.   To mark the event even further, a new calendar was introduced: the imperial calendar. Unlike the astral calendar, this one is based entirely on the phases of the moon Astrel; it's divided in 12 months, each containing 2 full phases.

    Zamok Ognya
    Additional timelines
  • 7095 IE

    2 Shamalika

    Attrition Peace Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    As both nations' resources dwindled, and as support for the war reached new lows, a peace treaty was signed by both leaders.