The Petrified Forest

The region known as The Petrified Forest lies far to the south of the Angalian Empire. 
The strange thing is that it's actually a desert. The entire area between the foothills of the Aspereses Mountains in the north to the ismuth where the city of Sturike is mostly just miles and miles of sand baked into hardpan. However the region gets its name from it's most notable feature: namely the desert is strewn with great chunks of ironwood. To the day no one is quite certain what exactly happened to turn the trees of what seems to have been a thriving and vibrant forest to stone. The River Styx runs through the region, its waters made brackish and undrinkable by whatever had contaminated the land.
Legends blame people a wizard which used to live in Herrion centuries ago for the disaster which caused the creation of The Petrified Forest though it should be noted that intellectuals in Herrion lay the blame on the city of Enri to the south. However it came about there is little doubt that something unnatural happened. More than one person exploring the region has reported finding deer, squirrels and other forest animals turned to stone alongside the trees.


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