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Field Ahmegg

The Field Ahmegg are a little less than three quarters of the height of a Root Ahmegg, coming up around three inches tall. They are known for building their homes in the middle of large wheat and barley fields they plant. The crops hide their homes from predators as well as provide a decent food source. Their small stature makes them more agile which makes them excellent scouts and archers. They are also light enough to grip onto a stalk of wheat and hang from it without snapping it.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Win, Ila, Ino, Wio, Wol, Fiol

Masculine names

Alai, Fan, Vin, Ano, Yem, Esh


Major language groups and dialects

The Field Ahmegg don't have a very thick accent compared to others such as the Snows and the Rocks, but it would seem similar to southern Irish.

Shared customary codes and values

A common value among Field Ahmegg is to have a sense of family and communion with one's neighbours and those from nearby towns. Towns often have the mentality of "everyone knows everyone" and they will rely on each other with different projects around town.

Common Etiquette rules

They are very fond of large parties and small scale events alike. So if someone invites a friend to a get-together, unless you have a legitimate reason not to go, refusing the invitation is seen as an insult. But generally they are so fond of these events that they would not dare refuse an excuse to have a good time.

There are several ways to greet people in Field cultures. There is the verbal way which is often a simple "hello" or "hi". Closer friends will either hug or kiss each other's foreheads and lovers, and sometimes even two best friends, will kiss each other right on the lips regardless of gender. It is seen less of a romantic gesture and more of a greeting among the closest of friends.

Common Dress code

Field Ahmegg tend to wear more clothing than most other Ahmegg races and are quite partial to cloaks, hoods and coats. This is down to them having thinner fur than others thus less insulation.

Art & Architecture

Their architecture tends to be very similar to old Germanic buildings. They use a lot of beams to support their buildings.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Celebrations can occur from anywhere. There doesn't need to be a reason for one to happen, but small dinners can quickly evolve into huge house parties or even town-wide events with no warning. Fields just want to join in on whatever is going on.


Beauty Ideals

The Field Ahmegg are most attracted to slender builds and soft fur. It is also seen as attractive to have a long tail.

Courtship Ideals

Field Ahmegg tend to show affection to each other through food. They value someone who knows how to look after their health and a good hearty meal usually goes over well as a show of affection.

Relationship Ideals

Field Ahmegg relationships tend to be very confusing for many other races and other Ahmegg ethnicities. They do not really show affection in romantic ways, but rather they seem like they are simply platonic. They will play rough with each other like friends instead of lovers. The only indication that they are in a romantic relationship is the common Ahmegg custom of interlocking each others tails.

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