Rothmegg Species in Haert | World Anvil
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The Rothmegg are considered to be nothing more than myth, but I have seen them. They are huge and brutal in their nature, yet strangely beautiful and intelligent. They dwell far north from Haert in the landmasses beyond our world, the world that belonged to the giants. Many know the legends, but few know exactly what they look like. They are nowhere near as large as the stories tell, being only twice as tall as a Feng-hait. However their appearance is just as gnarled and grim as we all know. They do in fact have tusks. Similar to the the Rock Ahmegg but much larger and more decorated. And one thing the stories never tell you of is the large spines running down their necks and backs. They were a treat to meet and understand. Their language is rough and jagged like stone, their culture built around combat but also a deep respect for the land the giants designed for them.

Lost excerpt from Moonye the Traveller's journal.

Basic Information


The Rothmegg are massive compared to the Ahmegg. They grow up to two feet tall on average. Their fur is thick and shaggy and their bodies are generally broad if not muscular. They have smaller ears than Ahmegg and have two large tusks that protrude from either the top or bottom row of teeth. Top row tusks will look similar to mammoth's tusks. Lower row tusks are angled forward and curve up.

Biological Traits

Their fur usually ranges in the browns, greys and blacks. At their full height they come up to two feet tall and have very broad builds. The females are generally an inch or two taller than the males and look chunkier in the way of general body fat but they do share a good amount of muscle weight. The males are more athletic and have very little body fat. They rely on agility rather than pure brute muscle. The best way to describe them is that the males are best at sprinting, jumping and throwing, and the females are best at lifting and wrestling.

Genetics and Reproduction

You know this, move on.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Rothmegg are born in litters of 2 to 4 and reach adulthood in about 15 years. In infancy, the Rothmegg are about the size of a Rock Ahmegg.

Ecology and Habitats

Rothmegg territories are usually based in mountainous terrain and landscapes similar to highlands. They build grand cities made of wood and stone and glass with towering castles and walls.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Rothmegg are omnivorous. Their tusks are remnants of their prehistoric lives and their need for hunting without weapons. They used to stab their prey with their tusks to incapacitate them. But still their diets haven't changed and even though they have adapted to using weapons and tools of all kinds, they have not lost their appetite for meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Rothmegg are very proud and so their lives are based on personal achievements. Those who have a very long list of physical, mental and material achievements are held in quite high regard of their community. They believe it is everyone for themselves and, while they will share possessions and achievements with spouses and children, they would have previously judged their mate's worth to them based on what they have done for themselves and how driven they are. This proves to them whether they will pull their weight in the relationship and their future shared profession together. They rely on a healthy dose of selfishness and laziness or complacence is shamed by the collective.

Facial characteristics

The Rothmegg all possess tusks of some length and diameter. Their ears are a lot smaller in comparison to the rest of their head and the bridge of their nose or their brow have some sort of small bony protrusion.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live north of Haert in the continent of Pero'o. It is a warmer part of the world that has been lost to legend among the species of Haert, only known as The Great North or Giants Land.

Average Intelligence

They are more magically inclined than any of the races of Haert as they have lived far closer to the giants and have studied their scripts and spells for much longer.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Rothmegg's hearing is a lot worse than an Ahmegg's as their ears are smaller and their added size and strength allows for them to be less concerned with hearing predators.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Rothmegg pay less attention to first or last names. A common tradition in their names is that the first name will be a prefix to the last name. And because they are so driven by their personal identity they do not wish to be tied completely to their family name. So middle names are seen as their personal identifier. Names do not have gender-specific phonology and can be tied to both sexes. For example; in Ahemgg culture, the name Kalye has the "ye" suffix and thus is female. To make it male, one would have to change the "ye" with a "we" making it Kalwe. Rothmegg names do not follow this rule so the name Frahnwig would be unisex.

Major Organizations

The Rothmegg have no royal families. Instead they follow the rule of Earls who ascend to authority by challenging the previous earl in the field they are best at.

Beauty Ideals

They value physical prowess. Both genders will look for a mate who can handle themselves.

Gender Ideals

Genders are somewhat undermined by the idea of personal achievement. Most jobs will be unisex as their strength, speed and agility are more or less the same.

Courtship Ideals

When two Rothmegg move beyond the point of friendship, they will often court each other with friendly competitions of strength and mind. Sometimes partaking in wrestling matches (not what you're assuming, you dirty minded freak). Displays of affection are shown through rough and tumble play and/or very well made, hand-built gifts.

Average Technological Level

They have basic mechanical knowledge, but most of their technology stems from magic they learned from the giants.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The common Rothmegg language is known as Rothkanig. However their are many other variations and dialects the further north you go. Some examples of the many Rothmegg tongues include Rothgehm, Rothrahn, Rothleng and Rothgelim.


Much of their history is unknown as they mainly belong in myths and legends, but the most anyone knows about them and their relationship with the Ahmegg, the Feng-hait and any of the other species steers to their arrival in Haert and their eventual departure. The Rothmegg came to the Shores of Singhaid and Ahm while the giants were still walking the earth and with them came the Ahmegg. The first Ahmegg were part of an alliance with the Rothmegg in which they both wanted to discover new lands in the hopes of bettering their species' success and survival. But as time went by, the Rothmegg were overwhelmed by attacks from the native species, namely the Naag and the Russ as well as the uncomfortable chill that came with moving closer to the south pole of the planet and so were driven back north again. The Ahmegg's size and their ability to breed in large litters allowed them to survive in the nooks and crannies where the natives could not reach and so they found a home there.
80 to 85 years
Average Physique
Large and broad, females have less muscle definition but are no less strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur often falls into the dark browns, greys and blacks and stripes, patches and freckles (which are seen in infants and children) are lost with age.

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