The Red Cloaks of Rovenreach Myth in Haert | World Anvil
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The Red Cloaks of Rovenreach

By a landslide, the second oldest fable, with Hassi-merr being the most ancient, The Red Cloaks of Rovenreach were a group of three brothers who saved countless lives across Haert. They did not battle armies like Hassi-merr, but rather they were the best any Ahmegg settlement could wish for, nobly doing battle with whatever vicious animal wished to feast upon the helpless residents, but alas each meeting a bitter end.

The oldest of the Brothers, Altwe, was brash and hearty in nature. An axe-wielding warrior who loved a good drink or five. He never seemed to have an indoor voice, but meant no harm. For what he lacked in subtlety he most definitely made up for in a good sense of humour and a friendly charm no Ahmegg could beat. The middle child, Tswin was a handsome lad that never failed to win the heart of miggs, single or otherwise. His teeth were white as gems and his fur the shade of shiny straw. He was known for the feat of making young miggs wobbly a the knees and older ones feel that young once more. But unlike his older, and much larger brother, he was calm and contemplative. He much preferred a good thoughtful conversation than loud drunken banter. He would sit with scholars and writers and discuss magic and history, scriptures and poetry, often with a backdrop of miggs calling and waving for his attention. And his weapon a mean smallsword. The youngest brother, Mefti-kenn, was a kindhearted and polite young megg that often liked his siblings to speak on his behalf. He was shy and quietly envied his brother's abilities. He had neither the strength and spirit of Altwe nor the charm and looks of Tswin. But his siblings each lacked his intellect and memory. Mefti-kenn could memorise spells of incredible complexity as well as concoct potions and remedies on a whim. Unlike his sociable older brothers, he would engross himself with reading, brewing and inscribing, remaining silent for hours upon hours. To his brothers, his mental capabilities were valued beyond what he could comprehend and his knowledge of spells and potions gave then an edge in combat.

Their first endeavour was in their hometown of Rovensreach. Built right in the deepest parts of the Dark Hoolye forest, there was a constant need for new defences and guards to help ward off the native beasts, the most common being a breed of horned foxes. The town was used to dealing with smaller predators, but one day the attacks fell silent. The Ahmegg believed the animals had ceased the constant barrages and went elsewhere. For days they celebrated their newfound freedom, drinking and eating and dancing the night away. But when even the birds fell silent their concerns arose again with greater intensity. Over the rivers and the outer defences, a huge beast of fur and fang pounced from the darkness. It was a creature all had heard of and none wished to see. What the Ahmegg knew as a Rackhound (the larger and more ferocious cousin of the Skulldog) began tearing through their mounted crossbows. Their walls and moats were rendered useless and Rovensreach was left vulnerable. Many Ahmegg were devoured by the beast and nothing but blood and fire and rubble was left in its wake. However, from the debris, three brothers ran into the fray. Altwe was the spearhead of the trio. He lifted his axe to the monster's fur, clambering up its patchy hide and embedding his greataxe into its neck. Tswin conducted the guardsmegg and the townsfolk into coordinated strategies, directing their bows and their cannons in precise arcs. And Mefti-kenn pushed the beast to its knees with spells that seared at its skin and shredded its retinas until it was made immobile. Tswin's blade sank deep into its throat, dealing the final blow and slaying the ravenous monstrosity. Rovensreach crowned the three brothers heroes that day, and word soon spread across Hoolye of the young trio and their courageous, selfless act. They left their hometown once its residents had rebuilt, mourned their losses and slowly pieced their lives back together. But before they departed, the town elder presented them with three red hooded cloaks and dubbed them The Red Cloaks of Rovensreach.

They trekked all across Hoolye and the northern shores of Yeg slaying monster after monster. A huge list of dangerous and predatory animals, ranging from Woodgnashers to Wyverns and even a Kensan, all in aid of countless innocent Ahmegg. News soon spread quickly of these three heroes and everyone from the smallest hamlet to the largest and most powerful leaders called upon them for protection. Mefti-kenn was responsible for designing the first long range teleportation spell in the hopes they could be even more effective in their brave escapades. But alas all legends must eventually meet their end one way or another. And it wasn't a beast alone that broke the brothers, instead it had the help of illness. Tswin fell ill with white pox, causing his skin to burn and itch unbearably. He thankfully died peacefully in his sleep, but his siblings were crushed by grief for weeks. They could not quest, Altwe slept next to Tswin's grave for four days, fearful of leaving his brother. Mefti-kenn drank himself into oblivion. He hardly slept and refused to eat for as long as his body would allow. But with help from an old friend, a migg named Hiwand who still lived in Rovensreach helped the two remaining brothers back onto their feet. They both decided they would do one more quest. If they succeeded, they would continue their journey to honour the memory of Tswin. Should they fail, they would join their beloved sibling again in the Giant's loving embrace. They travelled back to their hometown where there had been reports of a deadly Red Pine-Drake outside the walls and prowling the gates. They fought with all they had, but in the end it was the town guard who slew the creature. The brothers fell to its jaws and were swallowed. Their deaths were mourned across Haert. But many knew the trio was reunited in the arms of the Giants. Though their ends were bitter and brutal, their bond kept them together. Not even death would best neither their love nor their legacy. All of Haert knows of their deeds and continue to strive be as brave as they were. And if one should ever doubt it, look to the hundreds of bronze statues made in their name, and the dozens of tales the Ahmegg know them by.

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