The Tale of Hassi-merr: The War of the Isles Myth in Haert | World Anvil
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The Tale of Hassi-merr: The War of the Isles

Hassi-merr was already known across Haert for her deeds in Kekeyahm, her battles with the feared southern Russ empire that occupied nearly half of Hoolye, but none of these stories even come close to the most major war Haert had seen until the Plight of Loftwater in 903.

Several decades prior, the Ahmegg and the Rothmegg were at odds woth each other. The Roth Dynasties were gaining control of not only much more unoccupied land than anticipated, but they were beginning to encroach on what was once known as the Territories of Ah, land owned and governed by the Ahmegg. And tensions rose and rose until one side had to break under the pressure. An Ahemegg earl in the north of Yeg felt threatened enough to attack the Roth soldiers who settled inside their borders. Of course the Dynasties were very displeased by this and they (more specifically the Vagt Dynasty) ravaged the towns under the earl's ownership. This triggered all out war between the two species and great gruesome battles took place all over Hoolye, Yeg and Kekeyahm, many of which Hassi-merr fought in.

No one expected the Ahemgg to win the war. The Roth were far larger, far stronger, with magical knowledge kept hidden from their smaller cousins. But somehow, Hassi-merr kept winning. Somehow, she and the soldiers under her command were gifted with strength beyond anything naturally possible for the Ahmegg. She'd used secrets from the Renn's, secrets stolen to enhance the capabilities of soldiers. In one on one combat, an Ahmegg would prove useless against a Rothmegg, but the smaller mousefolk had an advantage in their immense numbers. That coupled with the added strength and speed proved too much for the Rothmegg to handle, thus driving them north before they had nowhere else to flee to other than their homeland of Anyo. The bloodshed in these many battles was so immense that city canals were completely drowned in crimson, countryside had been reduced to craters and dirt, and the forests burned for days afterward. But Ahmegg everywhere recognised only one migg as the one behind their miraculous victory- Hassi-merr. Later that year she was crowned as the only Sovereign Fable.

Centuries passed, and none could attain the same level that Hassi achieved, until four little Ahmegg, born from small foraging villages, took up the mantle. There was Tsig, the one who defeated even death itself so he could protect his friends. There was Myrrlym, a young megg cursed with the Witch's Brand who earned his respect and admiration through bravery and sacrifice. There was Tenrenn, the one who bore a peculiar name, connecting to the Renn house of old, also branded, but gifted the title of Discipline, the highest level a mage can reach. And there was Mollie, who carried none other than the legendary Kingsjade Cleaver, and its new sister blade, the Queensjade Sabre. Their story is yet to to conclude, and young as they are, they easily compare to this ancient fable; Hassi-merr the high Sovereign Fable of Haert.

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