
Blemmyes are headless humanoids that range from 6 inches to 2 feet, depending on the subspecies and maturity of the organism.  
Blemmyes are considered pseudo-sentient in that they are able to mimic humanoid behaviors that they observe, but that they do so only as a form of behavioral mimicry. It is much like how parrots repeat sounds, without understanding their meaning. A blemmye may watch you knit a scarf, and then go on knitting tiny scarves of its own. However it won't know what to do with them, and it certainly could not wear one.  
Pest Control
Blemmye mimicry is a pest problem. A baker with a Blemmye infestation, might awaken to find their flour bags chewed open, and hundreds of tiny, identical cakes prepared for the ovens. The best way to address a Blemmye infestation is to set up a workbench nearby, and to make several Blemmye traps. The Blemmyes will then observe and repeat that pattern until they run out of materials, assembling the very traps that they will stumble into. You simply dispose of the traps in the morning.  
Blemmy Farming
Blemmye mimicry can be manipulated to manufacture a variety of commodities. This practice is called "blemmy farming". To this day, the essential text on blemmy farming remains Blemmye Farming and You!.


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