
Limn are a class of quasi-real pocket dimensions. They are usually no larger than a room, building, or small ghost town. Limn attach to tears in reality. (Such defects are usually caused by intense exposure to emotion.) Limn are known to be drawn to tears caused by admiration, fear, and rage.

A dreamer that enters the tear will become ensnared in the limn. By manifesting in a way that convinces the dreamer that it is real, the limn actually becomes more real. The Limn's nature is such that it only exists strongly around the dreamer. It "draws itself" around the dreamer, as if running on a treadmill.

The Limn feeds off intense emotions and needs the dreamer to stay inside. It tries to convince its dreamers that it is real but also uses strategies that reduce the area it needs to manifest. If Strategies include preventing long-distance visibility and finding excuses to keep dreamers together or separate them if they try to escape.

While it can distort itself to create barriers and illusions, it does so at great expense, because it becomes less real to the dreamer. The limn does not have the ability to close the tear itself. However, it may break away at any time.

It is assumed that the dreamer is either trapped inside the detached limn, or in the nothingness around the tear. Little is known about the detatched limn.

Limn often manifest behind great works of art, in spooky alleyways, and in creepy carnivals. They tend to resemble the spirit of the work of art, or its surroundings, because it expends less "reality" energy by remaining convincingly real.

AI Stub Limn by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Dimensional, Pocket
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