Void Magic

Void magic is generated by unpleasant, authentic things. Like rainy mornings when you hate rain. Stubbing your toe on a door jam. Low-cost vegan faux meat. Groinal rashes. Being visited by extended family. Headaches. Grapenuts. Cholera. Long, drawn out sentences. You get the idea. TONS of story/joke applications. All of these things give you void MP. Every existentially awful thing your peeve companion does will boost your Void MP. So even though your character suffers a blow to the ego, as a player you benefit. Void magic develops fast, gets powerful fast, and is useful. Many of the Void spells are designed to work with a peeve companion, "feeding" it your void energy to give it temporary boosts.   Void (Axis 3, Negative)
  • Trait: causes proportional Void
  • Color: Purple/Black
  • Rewarded for: Suffering
  • Death: Turn to skeleton
  • Nose/Chin Features: Hooked or Aquiline/Pointed
  • Terrain: Swamp
  • Tourist Trap: The Dank


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