Wind Farming

Wind farming is an agricultural practice where farmers, known as wind farmers, cultivate crops that that consume Air Magic from the environment. This elemental energy is a critical resource in Halcyon, as it is used in various forms of magic, technology, textiles, and trade.

Wind Farmers

Wind farmers are instantly recognizable by their distinctive capes. These capes often feature a vegetable-shaped crest symbolizing their farm.


The crops grown by wind farmers capture Air Magic from the wind and store it underground. Primary crops include:  
  • Wind Turnips: Known for their robust sails and deep underground energy reserves.
  • Zephyr Beets: Distinguished by their light, fluttering sails that capture gentle breezes.
  • Katabatic Yams: With sails resembling windmill blades, they are perfect for harnessing powerful downward drafts.
  • Domesticated Harmattans: These plants have sails that can withstand harsh, dry winds, storing energy for later use.
  • Storm Celery: Marked by sturdy, storm-resistant sails, these plants thrive in turbulent weather.
  These crops shares a common structure:  
  • Main Stem: Resembling a ship's mast, the stem grows to about 2 feet tall.
  • Leaves: The leaves mimic either: the rectangular sails of a ship, the blades of a windmill, helicopter blades.
  • Variety Markers: Sails and flowers are distinctly different between varieties, helping to identify each at a glance.
  • The energy harvested by these plants is stored underground in tubers.
Wind Farming by ChatGPT Robbi
In reality, a "wind farmer" refers to a farmer with a failed harvest.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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