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Grand Master Arkad the Dragon

Grand Master Arkad Sanik (a.k.a. The Dragon)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is in his late 40's and very physically fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Sanik family has always been one of the wealthier artisan families, acting as the de-facto leaders of the Armorer's Guild in Kidon. Thoroughly involved in the Golden Crusade and heavily intermarried with the military aristocracy, Arkad was trained as a warrior and prepared for war at a young age. When he showed promise, the Sanik family prepared him for ascension into March Sergeant-hood and sent him to Mathari to fight on the frontlines.   Arkad won great glory in the West and made significant connections. Returning back to Kidon, he was able to use his growing influence and prestige to secure himself a March-Captainship. Through intrigue and talent he has since ascended to Knight Commander of Kidon, Martial, and to Grand Master of all of Kidon. The Sanik clan, hoping to support Arkad to exert greater influence, have since fallen out with their ascendant child- Arkad is fiercely independent and prides himself as being above all factional interests.

Personality Characteristics


Arkad sees himself as a visionary, able to unite Kidon in a way that no one else can. The only faction or interest he is not above is his children- he is working to elevate his daughter, Takya, within the ranks of Kidon's military to eventually succeed him.   Beyond security for his three children, Arkad seeks rapid expansion inland. He sees this moment as a rare opportunity to seize land before a new Fey threat emerges- and has been working tirelessly to secure existing holdings so that he can launch a unified offensive without fear.


Religious Views

Arkad is known as a pious man and greatly accomplished in the destruction of demons. Associated with the Saints Narana and Kaydren as well as the God Argot the Storm-Bladed, Arkad has used loot taken on crusade to rennovate a number of temples in Kidon. Most of Arkad's religious observation has been battlefield victory, though.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Master of the Feywilds Crusade, Master of Kidon, Lord of the Coasts
Year of Birth
1971 ME 49 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as the second child of one of the leading Armorer's Guild families, propelled to power by success in the The Golden Crusade
Kidon City
Current Residence
The Citadel, Kidon City
Brown, always framed by his face as if fuming
Black hair in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned brown
210 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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