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Karbeetles are strange creatures. Found in plains and deserts, they can be found racing across flatlands faster than horses or antelopes on strange, circular wheel-appendages. While not carnivorous or even aggressive, they are incredibly stupid and dangerous in their stampedes. Their fronts are ominously shaped like wide-eyed caricatures of human faces locked in eternal screams or yells, yet they seem to feel little pain or malice.   Mortals have hunted karbeetles for centuries, even ranching them and breeding them for particular shapes and colors. Animals such as hyenas, big cats, and canids have learned to hunt them. Industries have become dependent on them, even introducing them to new places to increase production.   Karbeetle hunts are important to keep down the population, as karbeetles never suffer from old age or disease. But mortals do not hunt them for food- karbeetle meat is nutritious, but disgusting. More importantly, karbeetle exoskeletons are composed of pure steel and their wheel-appendages are made of natural processed rubber. The karbeetle has single-handedly launched the steel and rubber industries (even inspiring inventors to search for new ways to process rubber from rubber trees). The karbeetle is scary and dangerous, but important.   The karbeetle was created by The Hidden One in Western Samvara.

Basic Information


Karbeetles are massive horse-sized bugs that race across the plains and deserts of Samvara. They have long rectangular bodies that they hold close to the ground, and rather than legs they use wheels made from secreted rubber on four appendages at the corners of their bodies. Their entire carapace is coasted in thick steel plating. Almost all of their organs are concentrated at the bottom of their bodies, and they have curiously hollow upper halves. Glass-like carapace forms "windows" around these hollow compartments, which contain sticky formations akin to carriage-like "seating". On their front, they have large human-like mouths equipped with pointless steel-lined teeth. These mouths are almost always agape as they constantly suck in air. Above this mouth, they have large eyes almost 5 feet across. These eyes are actually multi-colored compound formations in the shape of colossal human eyes, with the curious ability to shift coloration to mimic eye movement.

Genetics and Reproduction

Karbeetles reproduce internally and carry their developing young in a compartment at their flank. Young cars remain small and vulnerable for five years, and often spend large amounts of time in their parent's flank compartments during that period (similar to marsupials).

Ecology and Habitats

Karbeetles prefer flat, dry climates where they can kick up a lot of dirt to eat. More humid, muddy landscapes can leave them malnourished, so deserts, plains, and chaparral remain their home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Karbeetles use their frontal mouths as well as intake-gaps in their underbellies to ingest massive amounts of dusty air kicked up by their wheels. The dust, pebbles, and air contaminants are then processed into food.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The vast majority of karbeetles live in wild swarms in the deserts and plains of Western and central Samvara. Increasingly large feral swarms have begun to roam Southern Larazel , and there have been efforts to introduce karbeetle populations to the plains of Tolzel in West Garadel. Some karbeetles have been introduced to the chaparrals of Northwestern Desmia.

Average Intelligence

Karbeetles are notoriously panicky and dumb, relying entirely on their immense speed, force, and durability.
Cannot die by aging
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
3,300 lbs
Average Length
14.8 feet

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