Ajarsi (Ah-jar-see)

Ajarsi - The magical explosion caused by Hirawa.
Ajarsi Forthcoming by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
  This phenomenon can be caused by a natural overfilling of Jinwas when there is too much Ambient Magic in the air. The magnitude of the explosion can lead to incalculable destruction in the vicinity and taint the region's magic for ages. When an region is tainted, the magic therein is either completely gone or corrupted. If the region's magic is completely gone, then the magic will slowly over time refill to a useable level. However, if the magic is corrupted, the region will show sign of decay and ruin.  


Hirawa - The overfilling of an object with ambient magic.
Hirawa by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
  • Mage battles and insanely powerful rituals lead to the build up of magic in a region, which floods the surrounding area with magic. When the area overfills, Ajarsi occurs.
  • When a mage imbues a Jinwa with too much ambient magic, the vessel becomes unstable. This instability lead directly to Ajarsi.


"It was a long time in the making. The goal of Mage Artenis was to manifest as much power as possible during his rituals. He summoned powers beyond his control. Ambient magick saturated the sir due to years of performing rituals. It would cause hair to stand on end. Everything produced turned out distorted. Extra limbs appeared on livestock. This scared the people into leaving for fear of their children getting sick, turning abnormal, or becoming deformed.   As expected, the destruction was all-encompassing. Artenis' ritual space is now lifeless and barren. It's a ghost town. Nobody live in the city where Artenis was performing his rituals. Mage Artenis has vanished completely."
— From the Chronical of Historian Torisin Maldoras
Ajarsi Aftermath by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
  The type and extent of the damage caused will depend on the type of Jinwa and amount of Hirawa. If the mage overfills a small vessel, then the Ajarsi will be small and contained. The bigger the Jinwa, the bigger the explosion.    
"When learning to fill Jinwas with magic, be careful how much magic is infused into the vessel. To much magic and the Jinwa will explode. If the Jinwa is a leaf, small rock, or other such item, then the explosion will be small and injuries minor. However, if the vessel is a tree, a large rock, or other large items, the explosion will be much larger and the injuries sustain could be life threatening and/or permanent."
— From Jinwas Filling For The Initiate By Korpin Fortmas, Elder Mage at Kwal Naziri
  • Whether great or small, any destruction will cause the disappearance of the area's magic. The return of ambient magic's duration depends on the Ajarsi's power.
  • The Jinwa decide how big or small the are affect will be. The range of destruction is proportional to the vessel size.
  • Depending on the Jinwa, or vessel, the destruction type can differ. The size and nature of the vessel will determine whether the destruction comes as storms, fires, earthquakes, or another natural disaster. Famine, plagues, droughts, and floods could result from the destruction. Because of its magickal nature, there is a possibility or the coexistence of two or more types of disasters.
Ajarsi Destroys a City by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
Ajarsi Destroys A Home by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
Small Ajarsi in a Forest by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: Ajarsi by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI


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