How Time Works in Ustehall

or How Magick Affects Time


Almost all Ustehall adjacent world have magick. The question is how much magick and who can use it. Time between worlds fluctuates depending on how much magick is available on that world.

Magical Levels

There are five levels of magick:
  • Null - there is no magick and the portal to Ustehall only works from the Ustehall side or with a special magickal relic called a (Magick Diffuser).
  • Low - there is very little magick and most is being used to power the portal to Ustehall. What is left shows up in a variety of natural and supernatural gifts, though mostly natural gifts. Natural gifts would be genius level intellect, athletes that never seem to get injured, or the virtuoso musician.
  • Medium - there is Personal Magick in the world, but very little Ambient Magic. Personal Magick is rare, but Ambient Magick is extremely rare. About 30% of the people of Medium magick world can use Personal Magick, and less that 5% can use Ambient Magick
  • High - There is both Personal Magick and Ambient Magic available, but each person has to have the correct access to use it. Less than 50% of the population has access to Personal Magick and less that 10% to Ambient Magick.
  • Extreme - There is both Personal and Ambient Magick in abundance. About 15% of the population has access to Ambient Magick, and everyone but Nulls have access to personal magick. The level of access a person has is unique for that person.

Magick Levels Per World


Magickal Time

The mean time is calculated on Ustehall's base time. For the calculation, Ustehall is a Medium Magick world, though it has a higher magick content. The portals use so much magick to sustain themselves that Ustehall functions as a Medium Magick world.   Time runs faster or slower depending on how much magic is available on that world. For Mytilias, as a extreme magick world, it would run 100 times faster than Ustehall. So, for the 400 years that Ustehall has been deserted, it has been 40,000 years for Mytilias.    

Magickal Time Based on UYears

Metaphysical, Arcane
Terms to Know
  • UYears - a colloquial term used by the Abalindi Beholo to note the number of years on Ustehall.
  • Nulls - a person with out magic whose very existence abhors magick.

Cover image: How Magick Affects Time by Kat Sanders with Midjourney AI


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