My Summer Camp 2021 Worldbuilding Pledge Document

Which project are your worldbuilding efforts tied to?
Hall of Doors (Ustehall - which is the new title I've given it) - This is the Epic fantasy universe that I'm building. I want to write stories in it for the rest of my life.  
What world are you working on?
Mytilias - this is one world that is connected to all the worlds that make up Ustehall. I want to start building up this world and making it feel alive.  
Which area of the world(s) are you working on?
I have started with a pair of twins. I want to build up the areas around where they have lived during their lives up to when the first book I'm planning to write starts. I'm planning to write their backstories as short stories, so they become more than one dimensional in my head.  
How much are you aiming to complete?
All the prompts! And I'll be adding artwork when I have time and it's in my skill level.
UPDATE: Well, I don't think I'll going to complete all the prompts this year.  I got really sick in the middle of the month with an occipital nerve headache which triggered multiple migraines back to back that lasted longer than a week.  It took a shot in my head and a shot in my hip to get rid of it and I've been exhausted ever since.  So, I'll be happy with copper this year since I've completed 4 prompts so far and today is the 22nd. It depends on how much energy I can muster between now and the end of the month.  
When will you write?
Mostly on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I work the other days, but if I'm up to writing after work, I'll write those days too.  
Who is your network?
My best friend is always supportive. Otherwise, I'm a loner. I lurk on the WA discord sometimes, and on the WA twitch as often as I can.

Cover image: Ustehall by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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