Factotum, Clockwork Dolls

The dolls of Queen Agrona the Fair are just one of the many opulent symbols of Her power. But for every dancer of painted porcelain and filigree wire, there are war machines of clockwork and steel. Sometimes the two are one and the same.
  The courts and streets of Garda are frequented by the strange and enigmatic factotum. These manufactured automatons are credited as the creations of the queen, herself. Their bodies are formed of complex armatures of bronze or steel and covered in metallic or porcelain skin. These creations serve many different purposes and their designs reflect their function.  


In the upper city, far above the Stardust of the streets, the courtiers, merchants, and nobles enjoy the entertainment of gracefully crafted factotum referred to as "dancers." These factotum are highly ornamented, with their materials rich with gold, silver, and gems. The milky plates of porcelain forming their skin are often painted with delicate blue flowers or inlaid with precious metal or mother of pearl. The cogs and wires are likewise made of gold or silver and their eyes are most often precious gems like emeralds or sapphires.   The Glamour enchanting the dancers is particularly impressive as those who interact with them say they are almost life-like. There is much speculation as to how this Glamour works, but the results speak for themselves. A dancer can answer most questions with a clear and correct answer, they are well versed in politics, fashion, song, and tradition. They fill positions in court like handmaids or hostesses, always ready to entertain and provide idle conversation.  


In the lower districts of the city and all around its garrison a different sort of factotum can be found. These are the hardy and intimidating millafactum. Their construction is of solid steel, all joints and cogs hidden beneath thick armored plates. They appear almost as soldiers covered entirely in armor but for their inhuman speed and the hollow, tinny voice that issues commands from within. Their faces are carved to look like men in the fashion of the day, with curled hair and impressive mustaches. Their eyes, commonly made of rubies, miss nothing with their fascets capable of tracking movement from multiple directions at once.   These factotum are far less suited to conversation as their enchantments focus on defending their patrol areas and catching lawbreakers. Millafactum stationed in the palaces and high districts are fashioned with a bit more ornamentation and their personalities are more polite, though they are no less dangerous to those who would break the law in their presence.


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Aug 9, 2024 08:29

These are super cool! I really like the idea that there are two types for different functions, though I think a third type that focuses on basic labor like cooking and cleaning would also be cool. The article is also well laid out and written, and the images are excellent.   I'll be adding this to my SC2024 Reading List, best of luck with your future World Building endeavors :)

Aug 10, 2024 00:46 by Ellysium

Thank you! There are actually more types but I wanted to get the article published for SC24 :D I will be adding more to it after the judging window is closed! Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it!

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