
We remember when the world was tides of water and stone. We remember the first dawn and the shadow it cast. When the oceans frothed, the land rose, all the creatures who claimed the world emerged from the mud and the jungles. We tasted the first hints of magic on the wind.
    All along, we follow the beat of Kora's heart. She, our creator, sleeps in the womb of the world and the ancients say when she emerges, the world will be born anew. She chose us to guard the world womb and honor her word.   We built in the deep, through the veins of the world. Our cities extended under the lands and the seas. The temples of some cities even embraced the worship of the Titan alongside our goddess. Then the foolish children pulled at the threads of magic and brought the Turmoil to the world.   We lost contact with the cities beneath the land and soon their locations passed from memory. We withdrew to the veins of the sea, knowing that if humans could kill the Titan, they could do the same to Kora should they ever learn of her. Their greed knows no limits, their ignorance no boundary. So we stand guard, waiting for Kora to awaken and wash the lands clean.  


The Komuni are similar to other humanoid races, though they are also quite different. They are of medium height, most often taller than 5 feet with 6 feet being exceptionally tall. They tend towards broad and dense frames with muscles developed to withstand the pressures of the deep sea and underground areas they live in. Their skin is mottled grey or green, or very occasionally blue, and they tend to shave their heads or wear their dark hair in braids.   The depths at which the Komuni live are beyond the reach of nearly all other races. Speculation by those few who even know about them argues whether they live on the very floor of the seas or if they have built their cities within the bedrock and volcanic vents beneath the oceans. Most likely it is the latter, though they can hold their breath for extended periods and have developed ways to walk along the sea floor to collect rare materials for crafting and trade.   Each city is a self-governed state, led by a king who is both a statesman and high priest. The will of Kora is interpreted by her temples and that sets the course of rule for each Komuni city. Every fifty years, however, there is a gathering of all cities. Each city puts forth its champion who will participate in nine challenges ranging from theological debate to epic quests. The winner of these challenges will be named King of Kings, to whom all cities will defer for the next fifty years in times of war or upheaval. In times of peace, the King of Kings is set to guard the central temple of Kora where her cocoon is said to rest.  

Safe Harbor

The Komuni are very insular as their doctrine directs them to keep all knowledge of their goddess away from the world above. They blame the surface races for the death of the Solar Titan and truly believe they would do the same to Kora should they learn of her existence.   Because of their unique environment, the Komuni have developed technology far beyond what most surface cultures have produced, though they are also prone to stagnation. They rely heavily on the Islanders and the Ako'a for much of their trade, however, after the loss of their inland cities.   Through the ages, there have been a few wars between the Komuni and other cultures. Over a thousand years ago, they had warred with the Vell'ellar, though the cause of this war is long forgotten. They had also warred with a satellite kingdom of Prasinos over resources but they have been at peace for many years.   While the Komuni tend to be xenophobic and antisocial with the surface cultures, there are occasional contradictions. The odd city might come in contact with a coastal human civilization and decide to "adopt" them, offering trade and even protection. They also do not believe in slavery; they do not take prisoners of any kind and will not be taken alive in any conflict.
Alignment: LN   Capital: Gahiro'haddi   Notable Settlements: Tadha'Kinara, Rato'Nadi, Kanapushi'gardai   Ruler: Jaga'unu   Government: Theocracy; City-States   Major Races: Komuni, Ako'a, Islanders   Languages: Komuni, Ako'a, Islander   Religion: Kora - the spirit of creation at the center of the world   Exports: Exotic metals, precious gems, minerals, deep sea fish, seaweed cloth   Imports: everything else


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