
The Old Guard of Sitaar has been the bulwark around the Crowned Princes for generations. They have been called the foundation of Mahd Alhadara, the Lions of Sitaar, known through legends of their prowess in battle and unyielding strength. It would have been unfathomable for a Crowned Prince to rule without the Muhafiz standing guard behind them. That was before the False Empress.

Old Guard

The Muhafiz was established after the War of Dancing Sands when the power of Sitaar was consolidated under the rule of the Crowned Princes. It is tradition that the brothers or uncles of the Crowned Prince would serve as their most trusted guards. When the Muhafiz were established, the councils of Sitaar agreed they should be the most well-trained unit in the kingdom.   Legend says they were trained by a djinn disguised as a foreign soldier. Others claim an ancient hero rose from the dead to serve his descendants. In either case, a legendary general dedicated decades to training multiple generations of Muhafiz to be one of the most deadly and efficient units in history.  

The False Empress

When the False Empress came to Sitaar, whispering her poison honey into Crown Prince Malik's ears, she convinced him to see shadows everywhere. His paranoia became so intense that he banished his own uncle, Amrane, and all the standing Muhafiz to the farthest fortress of Sitaar.   For the first time in four hundred years, the Crown Prince did not have the Muhafiz in the palace. They were sent to the border between Sitaar and Itania under the guise of securing that border. The False Empress likely hoped they would parish there, but under the leadership of Amrane, they thrived. And they built.   Amrane was able to not only secure the area but also consolidate the scattered villages and even recruited and trained more Muhafiz, waiting for the opportunity to return to their rightful place in the capital.
Special Forces


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Aug 7, 2024 05:28 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that that False Empress's plans backfired. I just hope the Muhafiz can get back before it's too late!

Aug 10, 2024 00:47 by Ellysium

Thank you for the comment! We'll see what comes of that real soon ;)

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