Shroud of Horizons

This was the armor of the elders of the Ziin, the first hunters, honored among their kind. The most skilled hunters would become one with the shadows and this armor was known to shift to aid them in whatever way they needed. Elders have known of its existence but the original suits have long since been lost. They tried to make replicas, but no original examples were found. It is said that the wearers would hear the whispers of their distant kin or even the commands of their Huntmaster god.     Made of a fine, black mesh-like material, it fits the body snuggly and doesn't move or make any sound. The filigree is made of a gold-like substance forming elaborate, scrolling designs. The pieces are obviously made by different craftsman throughout different times, as they don't quite fit together exactly. The designs are clearly based on a common reference but not all are created with equal skill. The interior silken lining is embroidered with golden runes both of ancient Ziin and a mysterious writing you have never seen before. The helm must have been a wonder when it was new and even still it is impressive. The faceguard has a thin, smoky crystalline cover that when worn will occasionally light up with golden runes and pictograms tracing across the wearer's vision. These will sometimes seem to point in a particular direction but they disappear quickly and are difficult to decipher.   The cloak is made of supple leather from an unknown creature and has similar embroidered designs.  
Dormant state: +1 Mithral Shirt, +4 AC, +6 Max Dex, CP 0, SF 10% Sleep (CL 1) 3x per day The wearer can spend 2 hours wearing the armor and change the appearance of the armor, making it appear as any normal clothing. Only a spell of True Seeing or similar can see through the glamor. This change maintains until the wearer changes it again. With some research and skill, this armor may be restored to its former glory and its full potential unlocked.


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