The Blooded Window

Originally commissioned by Queen Cardea as a secret altar to the Veiled Court of dark fae. This stained glass window is said to shift what it depicts depending on the viewer. It is said to function as a communication device with dark entities but has been removed from its place of honor after the fae wars and hidden in the depths of Cardea's abandoned castle. Yet there are rumors it can also open doors to the Paths Unseen and shadowy haunts now rule the ruins where the Blooded Window rests.

Dark Paths

As with many of the relics left over from the Blight of Magic, the Blooded Window was forged through the aid of foul fae magic and dark spirits. The creators of the window are long since bone and dust, their secrets with them, but the taint of Fae is eternal.   The followers of the dark courts were cunning, however, and knew to hide their allegiances well. This particular window was hidden in plain sight, in the highest tower of Cardea's castle. Within that room, it was said, the Queen communicated with her masters of the Courts.  

Victory of the Fair

Queen Agrona, the savior of mankind, struck the final blow in the Fae War. Through great personal sacrifice, she was able to push the dark courts back to the edges of the world and eliminated their supporters. Though she lost her arm in the battle, Queen Agrona the Fair killed the Forest King and put an end to his blight.   Cardea, heavily pregnant, had disappeared before the battle started. Her husband emerged in the aftermath carrying his newborn daughter and bent the knee to Agrona, pledging a life of fealty. Agrona, ever merciful, not only accepted his oath but took him as her husband, uniting their kingdoms.   As his first display of loyalty to Agrona, King Brontes removed the Blooded Window from its place of honor. He could not destroy it, for its power was too great, but he entombed it deep beneath the castle and surrounded its grave with thick plates of iron.   This is where it rests still. Haunts are drawn to it despite the iron but they are bound to the castle grounds.


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Aug 30, 2024 14:45 by Harrison

An interesting history. Is there anything threatening to unleash it back onto the world?