When Kora Wakes

The Komuni have dedicated their entire culture to the worship of Kora. This goddess lives, suspended in sleep, in a cocoon at the center of the world. They guard her from the people of the surface world and wait. Some day, according to the doctrine of Kora's temples, she will wake when the need is most dire and wash the world anew.   

Signs of Wakening

The prophecy says that there will come a time of upheaval as deadly and chaotic as the Turmoil. The lands will roil and the seas will drain and swell, battering the world with towering waves.   Brothers will turn against each other, the Travellers will fade, their souls swept away in a burning wind. Fallen Shards will burst forth from the heavens and walk upon the land; gods, demons, and souls beyond counting. Horrors beyond even those that walked the world in the Turmoil will rule in place of kings and the gods will weep as their power is stripped away.    It is at this time when Her eyes will open. Kora will leave the World Womb and with her first step upon the land she will reach into the starry void above. She will grasp at the shadow of He Who Was Shattered and bring it back to the firmament. She will unite what was broken.   The waves will wash the lands clean of vile corruption and Kora will plant the seeds of renewal. From these seeds, new arcane power will grow; a power of this world not drawn from the demonic forces of the void.   When all the world has settled, the Komuni will lead the world in this new age, ushering in a time of peace unlike which has not been since the Age of Dawn.  


The signs of this prophecy seem as though they would be clear. It describes a dreadful chaos that will be easy to spot. Yet the interpretation of these signs is left to the Temple of Kora and its highest priest, the King of Kings.   The King of Kings is chosen every fifty years through a series of trials. Chosen hopefuls for this high honor come from each city of the Komuni empire. And, like many temples, each city has its own interpretations of Kora's will and the doctrine of her temple. Some are more xenophobic than others, some more wrathful, and still others choose a more philosophical approach to the word of their goddess.     There have been a few times throughout the centuries when natural disasters and external conflicts have converged to form a picture much like the one described in Kora's prophecy. During one such time, the ruling King of Kings interpreted these signs as the beginnings of Wakening and called their cities to ready for war. According to his theology, it would be the duty of the Komuni to cleanse the world ahead of Kara's rebirth. It was only the will of the combined cities that persuaded him to stand down and wait that a war was avoided.


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