Bands of Halor

Toroidal Terminology

As a Torus, Halor differs significantly from a globe and its people use different vocabulary to describe it. For example, "around the world" is an uncommon phrase since there are two ways around a torus which equate to vastly different lengths. Instead, Halor's toroidal shape creates distinctive geographic regions along its lines of latitude that each have unique gravity, seasonality, and temperatures. Those native to Halor refer to these regional zones as "bands". Thus, a Haloran would use the phrase "Across the bands" to describe something universal.   Directionality and navigation are also affected by the toroidal shape of the world. In more technical terms, the two circles along the plane of rotation are called the equators (the inner and outer). This makes the poles the circles furthest away from the equatorial plane. Hubward is towards the rotation axis, rimward is away from it. Planewards is towards the equatorial plane. North is towards the closest part of the North Pole circle, south towards the closest part of the South Pole circle.  

First Band

The first band is centered on the rimward equator and all other bands are counted south from it.


Gravity here is considered nominal for the people of Halor and the reference for measurement. It is often called "Rim Gravity". It is weakest of all the bands (.75G). Other bands will be presented in reference to this one with the approximate earth gravity in parentheses.


Seasons here are considered normal. They tend to be consistent and have the least temperture variance or weather change from one to another when compared to other bands. Altitude tends to play a larger role than season for tempeature in this band; highland areas are typically significantly cooler than their lowland counterparts.  
  • Spring. This season is a dry season and is typically warm.
  • Summer. This season is a wet season and very hot on average.
  • Fall. This season is a wet season and very hot on average.
  • Winter. This season is a dry season and though the coolest only the most extereme altitudes have a chance for snow.
  • Weather

    There are generally two main seasons considered by those who live in this band: wet and dry. During the wet season, typically occurring in the summer, heavy rainfall and high humidity prevail, while in the dry season, usually beginning during winter, clear skies and lower humidity are common. Some specific regions in this band experiance abundant rainfall year round.  


    Conjuration magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Second Band

    This is a non-polar or equatorial band and is thus a bit smaller.


    Gravity here is 23% stronger than Rim Gravity (0.925G).  


    Overall, temperature variation between seasons is nominal here, with a slightly cooler average experiance than the rimward equator. This is probably the most "Earth-like" seasonality of any band.  
  • Spring: Cool
  • Summer: Hot
  • Fall: Warm
  • Winter: Cold
  • Weather

    Weather tends to be fairly nominal for this band, with rainy seasons in spring and fall, followed by heat or cold in summer and winter along with storms.  


    Transmuatation magic is easier and more powerful in this band.    

    Third Band

    This band is centered around the south pole circle.


    Gravity here is around 46% stronger than Rim Gravity (1.1G).





    Necromancy magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Fourth Band


    Gravity here is around 28% stronger than Rim Gravity (0.96G).





    Enchantment magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Fifth Band

    This Band is centered on the hubward equator.  


    Gravity here is around 8% stronger than Rim Gravity (.81G).


    This band experiences seasonality at double the frequency of most bands. For this reason, spring and fall are grouped, and so are summer and winter. Many in this band simply refer to seasons with sun as "Glint" and seasons without as "Dross". Agriculture in this region has adapted to the rapid season cycle. To survive, societies must manage a full harvest within a single Glint as the temperature swing between the two seasons is extreme and ruinous to most crops. Overall, this band still experiances, on average, more insolation from the sun than the polar circles and thus has a fairly similar climate to the rimward equatorial band except with a wider range of temperatures.  
  • Spring, Fall; "Dross". Spring dawns and autumn twilights both had a red hue due to the refraction through the atmosphere of the other side of the planet.
  • Summer, Winter; "Glint". Half of this band is exposed to the sun during the day and the other half is shadowed from the sun by the planet during these seasons. The reflectance from the lit side causes night on the dark side to be as bright as an overcast day at the most extreme; near the equinoxes only a thin strip of the band would experience this effect.
  • Weather

    Weather here is some of the most wild on all of Halor. Warm air from the sunlit side flows through it in a big vortex, balanced by cool winds from the dark side circulating in the opposite direction. Storms are therefore very common in all seasons. Luckily, the extreme ruggedness of the terrain in this band (due to folding in continental drift) offers many a natural shelter from the weather.  


    Abjuration magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Sixth Band



    Gravity here is around 28% stronger than Rim Gravity (0.96G).





    Illusion magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Seventh Band

    This band is centered on the north pole circle.


    Gravity here is around 46% stronger than Rim Gravity (1.1G).





    Divination magic is easier and more powerful in this band.  

    Eighth Band

    This is a non-polar or equatorial band and is thus a bit smaller.


    Gravity here is 23% stronger than Rim Gravity (0.925G).  


    Overall, temperature variation between seasons is nominal here, with a slightly cooler average experiance than the rimward equator. This band essentially experiances seasons "in reverse".  
  • Spring: Spring starts warm and then cools as it enters Summer.
  • Summer: Summer is the coolest season and effectively swapped with winter for this band.
  • Fall: Summer begins cool and warms as it enters winter.
  • Winter: Winter is the hottest season and effectively swapped with winter for this band.
  • Weather

    Weather tends to be fairly nominal for this band, with rainy seasons in spring and fall, followed by heat or cold in summer and winter along with storms.  


    Evocation magic is easier and more powerful in this band.


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