

Elvespians possess a unique gift granted by magic woven into their very essence. As part of ancient rituals passed down through generations, they have mastered the art of grafting living vegetation onto their bodies, transforming themselves into walking embodiments of nature's grace. Often called "Elves", the creatures are revered and reviled in equal measure for their botanical anatomy.   These arboreal artisans cultivate a symbiotic relationship with the plants adorning their forms, intertwining roots and vines with their limbs to enhance both their physical prowess and aesthetic allure. From delicate blooms that grant healing properties to sturdy branches that serve as natural armor, each Elvespian bears a tapestry of greenery that reflects their individuality and connection to the land. Yet, beneath their tranquil exterior lies a resilience forged in the crucible of their ancestral struggles, for as guardians of nature's sanctity, they stand vigilant against any threat to nature's delicate balance.  

Racial Traits

All Elvespians gain the following traits. In addition, you may choose to be Verdalyn or Varylyn.   Ability Score Increase. Elvespians gain a +1 bonus to their Wisdom score.   Age. Elvspians are the longest-lived race on Halor, partially due to their symbiotic relationship with flora. They tend to reach adulthood around 30 and live to between 200-250 years.   Size. Elvispians typically mimic the forms of the plants they graft in adolesence and thus vary in sizes and shapes at adulthood. They do however tend towards extremes, usually being tall and slender or short and stocky. You may choose Small or Medium for your size.   Speed. You have a speed of 30ft.   Quintessence Your Quintessence score is 11.   Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.   Plant Affinity: Due to your symbiotic relationship with plants, you know one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it. At 5th level, you gain the ability to cast speak with plants once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.   Born from Nature. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill; if you already have proficiency from some other feature, you gain expertise in the skill instead.   Botanical Grafting: You can graft living plants onto your body as an action, gaining minor benefits once the plants mature based on the type of plant grafted. Access to specific plants often is based on geography thought most Elvespians carry seeds of common plants. Plants vary in rate of maturity from days to years. You may have a number of plants grafted equal to your proficiency bonus. When creating an Elvespian, you may choose one plant which you already have grafted below and a second based on the flora surrounding your place of living (determine this with your DM you gain 5 seedlings for each of these plants which you may graft at a later time.  
  • Thornweave Bark. Your AC is 16 if you are not wearing armor.
  • Glimmerpetal Blossom. You cast dim light in a 10-foot radius. Creatures in this light cannot benefit from the Invisible condition.
  • Sapwood Silkweed. You gain a +1d6 to initiative rolls.
  • Whispering Willowbark. You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when attempting to calm or soothe others.
  • Tranquil Echowood. You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  • Blinkwrap Vine. You can cast the misty step spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
  • Soren's Bluecap. You increase your speed to 35 feet.
  • Blooms of Candor. The range of your Darkvision increases to 120 feet.
  • Tilforge Thorns. Creatures who grapple you or grappled by you take piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus when the grapple begins and again at the start of each of their turns.
  • Nightshade. You gain resistance to poison damage.
  This list is not exhuastive and represents the most commonly found plants for Elvespians on Halor. New plants could be discovered and grafting attempted with varying levels of success. However, much like eating a mysterious mushroom, grafting an unknown species of plant could potentially have harmful effects.   Feeble Flora. You gain vulnerability to fire damage if you have any plants grafted. You may ignore this this for a single instance of fire damage by instead destroying one of the plants you have grafted. Additionally, spells or abillities that specify "plant creature" also apply to you.  


Verdalyn are those with a strong focus on nature and the plant-like aspects of the race. They often display a strong green tint to their skin. The often have long lineages of Elvespians ancestors and usually live longer than Varylyn.   Partial-Photosynthesis. You do not need to eat as much as other humanoids. If you spent at least 2 hours exposed to sunlight in the past 16 hours, your daily requirement for food is halved and you may add your proficiency bonus to any hit dice you roll during a rest.  


Varylyn are Elvespians that have chosen to blend in with modern civilization. They often have a very pale green tint to their skin. They tend to use grafting as a social aesthetic and swap out frequently. They are often part of families with multiple races in the ancestry.   Expert Grafter. You may graft an additional plant with your Botanical Grafting feature.