

The Primer

Role and Authority:
  • The Primer is the highest authority in Entoshire, serving as the head of state and government. This position is hereditary, passed down from father to son within the Musselman family.
Title and Succession:
  • The title of Primer began with Robert Musselman I and has been held by successive generations of leaders, all named Robert Musselman. This hereditary succession reflects a deep-rooted tradition and a symbol of continuity in leadership.
  • National Leadership:
  • Guides overall national policy and direction, representing Entoshire both domestically and internationally.
  • Ceremonial Duties:
  • Engages in ceremonial functions and upholds national traditions.
  • Decision Making:
  • Makes critical decisions on national security, diplomatic relations, and major policy initiatives.

Grand Overseers

Role and Authority: 
  • The Grand Overseers are the second tier of leadership, overseeing the two primary regions of Entoshire.
  • Grand Overseer of the Free-Trader Area: Manages the progressive and external collaboration aspects, focusing on trade, technological advancement, and international relations.
  • Grand Overseer of the Isolationist Regions: Focuses on maintaining traditional values, self-sufficiency, and internal security.
  • Selection and Tenure: Grand Overseers are selected through a combination of regional elections and appointments by the Primer’s office. Their term length and re-election processes are defined by national laws.


  • Role and Authority: Overseers manage individual cities or major regions within the Free-Trader Area and Isolationist regions. They are responsible for local governance, implementing policies from the Grand Overseers, and addressing regional issues.
  • Selection and Oversight: Overseers are elected by the residents of their respective cities or regions. Their performance is closely monitored by both the Grand Overseers and the central government to ensure they act in the best interest of the public.
  • Local Administration: Oversee local services, infrastructure, and public welfare programs.
  • Policy Implementation: Ensure that national policies are adapted and implemented effectively at the local level.
  • Public Engagement: Address local concerns and facilitate community participation in governance.

Regional Councils and Local Governance

  • Regional Councils: In addition to the Grand Overseers, each major region or city may have a regional council composed of elected representatives and key stakeholders. These councils assist in local governance and policy-making.
  • Local Governance: Overseers are supported by local councils or advisory boards that provide input on community needs and assist in implementing regional policies.

Public Oversight and Accountability

  • Magical Audits: Regular magical audits and inspections are conducted to ensure transparency and prevent corruption among government officials, including Overseers and Grand Overseers.
  • Citizen Participation: Mechanisms for public involvement, such as town hall meetings, advisory committees, and feedback systems, are established to allow citizens to participate in governance and voice their concerns.
  • Reporting Systems: Secure and confidential systems are in place for citizens to report misconduct or issues related to government officials and policies.

Law and Order

  • Legal System: Entoshire’s legal system includes courts and judicial bodies responsible for interpreting and enforcing laws. Judges are appointed based on merit and oversee legal proceedings related to criminal and civil matters.
  • Regulation and Enforcement: Laws are enforced by a combination of magical and mundane means, with a focus on maintaining order and upholding citizens’ rights.

Glyph Weaves

  • Function and Design: All citizens are given Glyph Weaves, which serve multiple purposes:
  • Identification: Each Glyph Weave uniquely identifies the bearer and indicates their profession and access rights.
  • Access Control: Determines where citizens can go and what resources they can access. Access levels are linked to profession, security clearance, and regional regulations.
  • Monitoring: Enables magical monitoring for various purposes, including crime prevention, demon detection, and government oversight.

N.A.Z. (No Arcane Zone)

  • Governance: N.A.Z. is an autonomous region governed by the 12 tribes that inhabit the area. Each tribe has a representative in the regional council, which makes decisions for the zone.
  • Public Knowledge and Secrecy: The governance and operations of N.A.Z. are shrouded in secrecy, with limited public information available. The autonomous nature of the region allows it to operate independently while adhering to certain national regulations.
  • Tribal Leadership: Each tribe has its own internal leadership structure, which contributes to the regional council. Decisions are made through a combination of tribal consensus and council deliberations.



At the heart of Entoshire’s culture is the value of self-reliance. Citizens are trained from a young age in skills essential for farming, crafting, and survival, emphasizing independence and resourcefulness.  

Isolationism vs. Progressivism:

Entoshire’s society is divided between two primary regions:
  • Isolationist Regions: Conservative areas that prioritize preserving traditional values and maintaining self-sufficiency. They resist outside influence and focus on protecting their way of life.
  • Free-Trader Area: Progressive regions that are open to external collaboration and trade. They actively seek technological advancements and international partnerships while balancing the preservation of local traditions.
  • Resourcefulness:

    Both regions exhibit a strong sense of ingenuity. The Free-Trader Area uses it to leverage external opportunities, while the Isolationists apply it to uphold self-sufficient practices and defend against external threats.  

    Community and Adaptability:

    Community bonds are vital in both regions. The Free-Trader Area adapts to change and integrates new practices, whereas the Isolationists focus on preserving traditional practices and reinforcing community cohesion.   Local Governance:
  • Free-Trader Area: Local councils manage external relations and trade, often incorporating more complex structures to handle diverse interactions.
  • Isolationist Regions: Governance is simpler and focused on maintaining traditional practices and local autonomy.
  • National Authority:  -A central authoritative government oversees both regions, balancing progressive goals with conservative values. It manages national policies, security, and external relations, ensuring a unified approach while respecting regional differences.  

    Traditions and Customs

    Harvest Festivals and National Celebrations:
  • Free-Trader Area: Includes international elements and showcases innovations from trade. Celebrations reflect a blend of local and global influences.
  • Isolationist Regions: Focuses on traditional customs and local practices, emphasizing community and heritage.
  • Craftsmanship:
  • Free-Trader Area: Embraces new techniques and materials from trade, integrating modern innovations.
  • Isolationist Regions: Adheres to traditional methods and locally sourced materials, preserving artisanal skills.
  •  Storytelling and Symbolism:
  • Free-Trader Area: Includes narratives about international interactions and collaborations.
  • Isolationist Regions: Emphasizes traditional legends and historical accounts related to self-sufficiency and resistance.
  • Rites of Passage:  In both regions, rites of passage mark significant life transitions:
  • Free-Trader Area: Includes modern elements and recognition of achievements in external ventures.
  • Isolationist Regions: Emphasizes traditional values and community roles.
  • Glyph Weaves

  • Identification and Access: Glyph Weaves serve as a form of identification, granting access to various areas and resources. They manage permissions for citizens and restrict access for foreigners.
  • Employment and Services: Glyphs are linked to work roles and access to public services, ensuring that citizens’ roles and permissions are managed effectively.
  • Cultural Significance:
  • Design and Symbolism: Glyphs are culturally significant, incorporating personal and familial symbols. They reflect individual identity and societal roles.
  • Rites of Passage: Receiving a Glyph is a formal rite of passage, marking entry into adulthood and official roles within the nation.
  • Regional Differences:
  • Free-Trader Area: Glyphs may include advanced features for managing international interactions and trade. They integrate with modern technologies and international networks.
  • Isolationist Regions: Glyphs are primarily used for security and maintaining traditional practices. They enforce strict access controls and preserve cultural practices.
  • National Policies:  -The central government regulates the use of Glyphs to balance the needs of both regions. This includes creating systems that respect regional priorities while ensuring national security and cohesion.  

    Recent Changes and External Relations

    Free-Trader Area:
  • External Collaboration: Actively engages with other nations, seeking trade agreements, cultural exchanges, and technological advancements.
  • Progressive Policies: Focuses on economic development and international diplomacy, integrating external innovations and maintaining global presence.
  • Isolationist Regions:
  • Defensive Stance: Maintains strict security measures and minimal external interaction to preserve traditional values and self-sufficiency.
  • Conservative Policies: Emphasizes internal strength and resistance to external influence, focusing on protecting cultural integrity.
  • Balancing National Policies:  -The central government works to harmonize the interests of both regions, ensuring that policies support both progressive and conservative goals while fostering national unity.  

    Daily Life and Practices

    Agriculture and Crafting:
  • Free-Trader Area: Uses modern techniques and innovations from trade. Emphasizes efficiency and integration with global markets.
  • Isolationist Regions: Focuses on traditional methods and self-sufficiency, preserving time-honored practices.
  • Education:
  • Free-Trader Area: Includes global perspectives, trade skills, and modern technology.
  • Isolationist Regions: Focuses on traditional knowledge, practical skills for self-sufficiency, and local history.
  • Cuisine:
  • Free-Trader Area: Incorporates diverse influences from trade, with fusion dishes and international ingredients.
  • Isolationist Regions: Sticks to traditional recipes and locally grown ingredients.
  • Festivals and Celebrations:
  • Free-Trader Area: Celebrations include international themes and modern elements.
  • Isolationist Regions: Festivals are rooted in traditional customs, emphasizing community and heritage.
  • Public Agenda

    Protection and Security

    Citizen Safety:  The foremost priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of Entoshire’s citizens. This involves comprehensive measures to protect against both internal and external threats.
    • Law Enforcement: An organized system of law enforcement is in place to handle routine and extraordinary security challenges. This includes local and national police forces equipped with both mundane and magical means.
    • Emergency Services: Dedicated units provide rapid response to emergencies, ranging from natural disasters to magical incidents.
    Demon Eradication:  A critical focus is on identifying and neutralizing any demonic threats within the nation.
    • Specialized Units: Elite task forces trained specifically to combat and destroy demons operate under the guidance of the central government. They use a combination of magical and tactical expertise.
    • Research and Development: Continuous research into demonology and anti-demon technologies is conducted to stay ahead of emerging threats.

    Surveillance and Monitoring

    Crime Prevention:  The use of magic for surveillance helps in deterring and preventing criminal activities.
    • Magical Surveillance Systems: Magical wards and enchantments are deployed throughout key areas to monitor for suspicious activities and potential threats.
    • Predictive Analytics: Using magical means and data analysis, potential criminal activities can be predicted and mitigated before they escalate.
    Demon Detection:  Magic is employed to detect and identify demonic entities that might be hidden among the populace.
    • Detection Spells: Wards and sensors are placed in strategic locations to detect the presence of demons or their influence.
    • Public Reporting: Citizens are encouraged to report any suspicious activity or signs of demonic presence, supported by a confidential and secure reporting system.
    Government Integrity:  Monitoring systems ensure that government officials and public servants are acting in the nation’s best interests and maintaining integrity.
    • Magical Audits: Regular magical audits of government activities and financial transactions are conducted to detect any signs of corruption or misconduct.
    • Transparency Measures: Public reports and transparency initiatives are in place to keep citizens informed about government actions and decisions.

    Information Gathering and Intelligence

    Strategic Intelligence:  Gathering information is crucial for making informed decisions and maintaining national security.
    • Surveillance and Espionage: Magic-enhanced surveillance is used to gather intelligence on potential threats both within and outside the nation. This includes monitoring for espionage or foreign interference.
    • Data Integration: Collected data is analyzed and integrated to provide a comprehensive view of the nation’s security situation and emerging threats.
    Public Awareness:  Ensuring that the populace is informed about major national issues, threats, and government actions.
    • Educational Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns are conducted to educate citizens about their role in national security and how to recognize and report potential threats.
    • Media and Communication: Controlled and regulated media channels provide information on government actions and national security measures.

    Cultural Preservation and Promotion

    Cultural Integrity:  Balancing modern advancements with the preservation of traditional values and practices.
    • Support for Tradition: Government initiatives support traditional crafts, festivals, and customs, ensuring that cultural heritage is maintained even amidst modernization.
    • Cultural Exchange: Carefully managed cultural exchanges with other nations are facilitated, promoting mutual understanding while protecting Entoshire’s cultural identity.
    National Unity:  Promoting a sense of unity and cohesion among the diverse regions of Entoshire.
    • Nationwide Projects: Initiatives that encourage collaboration between the Free-Trader Area and Isolationist regions, fostering a shared national identity.
    • Community Programs: Programs that enhance community engagement and solidarity, including joint cultural and social activities.

    Technological and Magical Advancement

    Innovation and Research:  Fostering technological and magical advancements to improve national security and quality of life.
    • Research Institutions: Support for institutions focused on magical research, technological innovation, and their applications for national defense and public welfare.
    • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between government and private sector entities to drive innovation and address emerging challenges.
    Infrastructure Development:  Enhancing infrastructure to support national security and economic growth.
    • Security Infrastructure: Investment in infrastructure that supports surveillance and security measures, including secure facilities and magical defense systems.
    • Technological Upgrades: Upgrading public infrastructure to integrate advanced technologies and improve efficiency.

    Legal and Ethical Oversight

    Regulation of Magic:  Establishing and enforcing regulations on the use of magic to prevent misuse and protect citizens’ rights.
    • Licensing and Control: Licensing requirements for magical practitioners and oversight of magical practices to ensure they comply with national laws and ethical standards.
    • Ethical Guidelines: Developing and enforcing ethical guidelines for the use of magic, particularly in surveillance and public security.
    Legal Framework:  Ensuring that laws and regulations are clear, fair, and serve the public interest.
    • Judicial Oversight: Independent judicial bodies oversee legal proceedings and ensure that laws are applied fairly and justly.
    • Public Participation: Opportunities for citizen involvement in legal and policy-making processes, enhancing transparency and accountability. 


    Entoshire has established a very robust supply of ivory that is used for casting divination spells. There are also established silver and copper mines throughout the area. The nation has always worked to collect and gather secrets and information from around the world. In the current day they are working with other organizations and countries to serve as a data broker or informational gatherer.

    Defend the nation, defend the truth.

    Founding Date
    47 S.W.
    Alternative Names
    Ento Republic
    Entoshirian (Ento for short)
    Leader Title


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