Hierarchy of Planes

Planes of existence are organized in such a way that only certian planes are accessable from other, even with magic that allows inter-planar travel. This access is directional and affects creatures from mortals to Qor himself.  


The original state of all creation, defying laws of space and time, Qor dwells here with his chosen consort the Host of Eternity.  

The Eternity Gate

Created by Qor to keep Usos and Aeviternals who joined him from ever reaching Eternity. Not a physical barrier, but an immuntable law of the universe set forth by Qor, this gate can only be crossed by those who garner the favor of the All-Creator.  


The Celestial Mountains

The highest and original plane of Aeviternity. This is where the Host of Eternity dwells.  

The Celestial Plains

The middle plane of Aeviternity.  

The Celestial Valleys

The lowest plane of Aeviternity.  

The Temporal Gate

The Temporal Gate blocks travels between the Planes of Aeviternity and the Temporal Planes. It is the most secure of the gates, braced with holy magic and warded with rightous fury to fight of the forces of Usos, few mortal beings have ever seen it while living. Those who do see it are those blessed enough to be gratned access to Aeviternity after death.  

Temporal Planes


The Shifting Veil

The Shifting Veil is a plane where time unravels and reweaves itself, a place scarred from the wars of Aeviternals where the very fabric of reality twists and warps under the weight of its own chaotic rhythms. Here, moments stretch into eternities or vanish in an instant, leaving travelers disoriented and lost in a maze of temporal distortions. The landscape reflects this instability, with structures that age and crumble within minutes, only to reform as if newly built. To the untrained eye, these fluctuations are chaotic and random, but to the trained and perceptive, there is an orderly pattern. Life here fleeting for mortals susceptible to time, and decay is rampant. The air hums with an otherworldly energy, filled with whispers of futures that never were and pasts that refuse to be forgotten. In the Shifting Veil, reality is as fluid as time itself, an ever-changing puzzle that defies understanding and mocks those who seek to impose order upon it.  

The Primordial Conflux

The Primordial Conflux is a realm where the primal forces of air, earth, fire, and water merge in a volatile and awe-inspiring harmony. This plane is a ceaselessly shifting landscape, where towering mountains of crystal and stone rise from oceans of molten lava, only to be swept away by raging storms that carry both the fury of fire and the chill of water. The skies are a kaleidoscope of roiling clouds, crackling with lightning and flame, while rivers of liquid earth flow beneath, solidifying into jagged peaks before dissolving into the sea. Life in the Primordial Conflux is born from the chaotic dance of these elements, with beings that embody the fusion of fire and water, earth and air—creatures of living stone, molten metal, storm-wreathed flame, and water that flows through the air as easily as it does over land. Magic here is raw and untamed, drawing directly from the elemental forces that saturate the plane, making it a place of both infinite creation and untold destruction, where the elements are in constant conflict and collaboration, forever reshaping the world in their image.  

The Gloaming Forest

The Gloaming Forest is a haunting, twilight realm where the veil between the real and illusory is paper-thin. Beneath its dense canopy of twisted trees, where light barely penetrates, the air is thick with an unsettling stillness. The Fae here are ancient and inscrutable, embodying the darker aspects of their folklore—cunning, malevolent, and bound by twisted codes of hospitality that ensnare the unwary. The forest itself is alive, its shadows concealing treacherous paths, cursed glades, and spectral creatures that emerge as dusk falls, preying on fear and doubt. Those who wander too deep may find themselves lost in a labyrinth of dreams and nightmares, where time is fluid and escape is a mere illusion.  

The Prosaic Plane

The Prosaic Plane is, in the eyes of divinity, banal and unimaginative, a fitting place for mere mortals to inhabit. For the mortals within, it is a diverse and vibrant world, rich with varied landscapes and cultures. Halor, the toroidal world, boasts sprawling continents, lush forests, towering mountains, and vast oceans. The natural elements coexist with magical forces, creating a dynamic interplay between civilization and wilderness. The plane's environments range from serene meadows and ancient ruins to bustling metropolises and untamed frontiers, providing a tapestry of experiences and adventures for its inhabitants.  

The Umbral Forge

The Umbral Forge is a realm where darkness and metal intertwine, giving birth to a world both harsh and enigmatic. Shadows here have weight and substance, shaping the landscape as much as the veins of metal that run through it. Towering formations of gleaming ore and shadowy structures dominate the horizon, their edges blurring into the ever-present twilight. Creatures within this plane are forged from both shadow and steel, their forms fluid yet unyielding, a testament to the strange alchemy that permeates the realm. Scattered throughout the Umbral Forge lies fuscarium, a rare and potent metal with the unique ability to shift between solid and ethereal states. This elusive substance is coveted by those brave enough to seek it, for it holds the key to unlocking the plane's deepest mysteries. The air here is thick with the clang of metal on metal and the whisper of unseen forces, making every step feel like a venture into the unknown, where light is scarce, and certainty is but a distant memory.  

The Rambling Expanse

The Rambling Expanse is a plane of boundless potential, where the very laws of gravity are in constant flux. Vast and surreal, this realm will entrance its visitors with its endless horizons. Here, the concept of up and down is meaningless. Gravity pulls and twists unpredictably, sending travelers hurtling through the void or pressing them into unseen surfaces with crushing force. Islands of floating matter drift aimlessly, sometimes colliding in slow-motion, other times being torn apart by sudden gravitational shifts. Magic within the Expanse is deeply entwined with the forces of gravity, allowing those attuned to its currents to wield incredible power—or suffer catastrophic consequences. Spells may alter in potency, direction, or even purpose, bending to the whims of the plane's chaotic gravity wells. The Expanse is a place of ever-changing dynamics, where control is fleeting, and survival depends on understanding the delicate balance between force and freedom.  

The Maelstrom Infernum

The Maelstrom Infernum is a chaotic and brutal plane. Here, the ground is a cracked and scorched wasteland, rivers of molten lava flowing through jagged rifts that open and close unpredictably. Gravity shifts wildly, dragging the unwary into burning chasms or hurling them into the sky where they might be torn apart by vicious storms of fire and ash. Tornados of fire rip across the ground with a vengence, seeking out cretures with an intentionality that suggest the plane itself hates its inhabitants. Lava falls upwards into the sky to form a maelstrom of swirling embers, black smoke, and blood-red lightning, with islands of molten rock and twisted metal drifting through the air, colliding and shattering in violent explosions. The landscape is in constant flux, reshaped by the plane's own volatile nature, creating a place of perpetual destruction and rebirth. One could try to escape into the endless labyrinthine corridors beneath the crust but they would quickly succumb to horrors beyond their imagination. It is a place of endless torment and chaos, where survival is a testament to sheer willpower, cunning, and luck.  

The Recrudescence Gate

The seal and lock, immutable and timeless, barring entry or exit from the Ending of Endings.  

The Ending of Endings

The Ending of Endings is a realm where the very essence of space and time has been compressed to an infinitesimal point. It is a dimension of ceaseless contraction, where every inch of space shrinks and collapses in on itself, creating an ever-diminishing void. The realm's boundaries are perpetually narrowing, rendering it an impossible place to measure or fully comprehend. Within this prison, the malevolent god Usos, who defies destruction due to his eternal nature, endures a torment of eternal dissolution. Bound by the realm’s relentless shrinking, Usos is trapped in a state of perpetual near-destruction—his form and essence constantly fragmenting, only to be reconstructed in an infinitesimal moment before collapsing again. This cycle of near-annihilation and rebirth is an agonizing mockery of true destruction, as the evil god is forever subjected to the futility of complete obliteration. The Ending of Endings is a realm of profound desolation, where existence itself becomes an unbearable paradox, and the concept of finality remains an elusive dream.    

Navigating the Planes

Each plane has a specific Tertiessence connection and can only be accessed along connections from other planes. These connections are directional, which means an adventurer may be able to travel to a plane, but not immediately back to where they came.  

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