

Stonehooves are hardy and reclusive folk that call the most extreme of terrains their home. Masters of mountain terrain and jungle ravines, they navigate treacherous paths with ease, their keen senses attuned to every nuance of their dangerous domain. Where others fear to tread, the Stonehoof dares to flourish. Known for their craftsmanship in stone and metal, they carve out vast bridges and forge mighty weapons, drawing strength from both the earth beneath their hooves and the winds that sweep through their unlikely homes. Despite their reputation for a stoic demeanor and preference for solitude, many Stonehooves are fiercely loyal to their kin and would fervently defend their sanctuaries from any who would dare encroach upon their domain.  


With the upper body resembling that of a sturdy human (except for the curved horns of course) and the lower body adorned with shaggy, goat-like fur, cloven hooves, and a short tail, Stonehooves possesses a rugged charm and indomitable resolve.  

Stonehoof Traits

All Stonehooves gain the following traits. In addition, you may choose to be a Cliffwalker or Cragdweller.   Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Age. Stonehooves live between 90-120 years typically.   Size. Stonehooves vary widely in height. Some are barely 4 feet while others tower at nearly 7ft. Stonehooves typically are stocky. You choose your size as Medium or Small.   Quintessence. Your Quintessence score is 8.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.   Natural Survivalist. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you already have proficiency from some other feature, you gain expertise in the skill instead.   Darkvision. You have dark vision out to 60ft.   Polyphasic Sleeper. Stonehooves are industrious folk and they know how to nap. The time needed to complete a short or long rest is halved as long as you spend that time sleeping. In addition, you do not suffer any penalties to passive perception while sleeping.   Leaping Strike. Whenever you make a long or high jump, you can roll a d8 and add the number rolled to the number of feet you cover, even when making a standing jump. If you would land within 5ft. of a creature after making a long jump and make a melee attack against them, you may add the number rolled on the d8 to the damage of your attack if you hit. This extra distance costs movement as normal.  


Cliffwalkers are those that prefer high-altitude climates such as mountains and plateaus.   High-born Resilience. You gain resistance to cold damage.   Expert Climber. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.  


Cragdwellers are those that prefer sub-terrainian or low-altitude climates such as ravines, and caves.   Low-born Resilience. You gain resistance to poison damage.   Expert Navigator. You may choose a terrain type. You ignore the effects of difficult terrain (magical or otherwise) while in that terrian and have advantage on Survival checks in that terrian.  

D&D Beyond

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