Belara, Goddess of Chance and Luck Character in Hanahn | World Anvil
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Belara, Goddess of Chance and Luck

Belara is the goddess of chance and luck. She is purely chaotic and is often depicted with a chance wheel, showing that there is no choice involved, simply luck. Some legends claim that she sided with Zynsius during the Divine Wars simply because of a coin flip that came up tails, though these are simply legends and nobody truly knows Belara's real intentions for joining the Tower.    Even though she is a Banished Goddess, some people still pray to her for luck. She has very few dedicated followers, but she receives prayers from many different types of people during times when luck is needed.   People need to be careful with Belara, some say that prayers to her are completely wasted, they claim that Belara would not alter chance or luck and simply spins the wheel regardless of prayers.
AKA: Goddess of the Wheel, Lady Luck

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