Mohoteus, God of Divination and Fate Character in Hanahn | World Anvil
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Mohoteus, God of Divination and Fate

God of Divination and Fate

Mohoteus is the god of divination and can receive glimpses of future events. Zynsius used him during the Divine Wars to help plan assaults and strategize. Mohoteus was eventually tricked by a powerful illusion from Thulan which he mistook for a vision of The Tower’s victory, he shared this vision with Zynsius and told him what he must do to achieve victory, this is what led to the Banished god’s loss. As punishment for being fooled, Zynsius imprisoned Mohoteus, who has been hung upside down ever since the end of the Divine Wars. Zynsius forces Mohoteus to continue prophesizing for him but does not allow any of the other banished gods to speak with the 'Seer,' not trusting anyone else with The Hanging Man ever since The Moon tricked him and turned on the Banished Gods
AKA: The Hanged Man, The Seer, The Imprisoned
Symbol: A man hanging upside down

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